
Posts by Gaspar Anastasi

Building blocks 2

Building blocks for a strong marriage (2)

Here’s another important building block to a strong marriage—one that most couples would agree is essential, but very few have mastered. Communication. I doubt anyone would disagree with me about how crucial good communication is in marriage. In fact some might place it before other building blocks I listed in last week’s blog. But again, very few of us have conquered this challenge. 

For some of us, our upbringing and poor role-modeling from our parents have hampered us. We bring their bad habits into our married lives and continue failing to relate well to each other. In fact, I believe the inability to communicate is responsible for most divorces today. Therefore, good communication must be a priority if we are going to see our marriages become successful. 

5. Work to communicate.

Good communication takes work both individually and collectively. One mate is usually better at it than the other. This can cause a sense of inferiority and shame in the one who struggles to express themselves. So partners must both work together, patiently letting each speak what’s on their heart without fear of ridicule or condemnation. 

Good communication takes work both individually and collectively.

In our marriage, I was the one who struggled to communicate. I grew up in a home where children were to be seen and not heard. So I learned to bottle up my emotions, unsure how to say what I really felt. My wife, on the other hand, was brought up differently and had no problem expressing her feelings to me. This created a lot of separation between us. Michele would always hound me to open up to her. But, until I got set free from my own sense of shame and inferiority, I would just shut down. 

For those of you who struggle like I did, I highly recommend Stop Hurting Start Healing, so that God can bring inner healing in your life. As a result, I have seen many married partners receive healing in this area and excel in their marriage with good— if not great—levels of communication. So be patient with each other and recognize that your investment in learning to communicate well will pay great dividends.

God is the Healer. Think of our amazing Counselors as His little helpers. Call (239)244-3912 or visit our website.

6. Labor to love.

Another important building block is unconditional love. The name is self-explanatory and underlines the difference from all other kinds of love. Conditional love (though no one calls it that) has conditions, dependent on behavior, performance and often a time line. 

The Holy Spirit in you will help you see your mate the same way God does.

That’s why it takes God Himself in the Person of the Holy Spirit to love unconditionally. The Holy Spirit in you will help you see your mate the same way that God does. Let me give you a brief description of how He sees us. 

He calls us the apple of his eye (Psalm 17:8) and views us with no fault, sin, bad attitudes, or destructive habit patterns (Hebrews 8:12) . He looks at you as His creation who is as valuable as He is, made with the same material (Genesis 1:26). That’s how we see our mates through eyes of unconditional love.

Yes, it takes the Holy Spirit in you to accomplish (Romans 5:5). But when you start treating each other that way, satan loses his power over you both. Why? The love of God is your greatest weapon against the devil.

It takes time and a labor of love to see these building blocks present and operational in your marriage. But it’s worth it. I know; I’m married 56 years and life is good!

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Couple on construction site

Building blocks for a strong marriage (1)

When building a new house, we start with the foundation. No matter how beautiful the structure turns out to be, without a good foundation, it will fall apart. I remember our first house had a problem with the foundation. Because it was built on unstable ground, it settled unevenly. The floors on one side of our new home were higher than the other. It was like climbing up or down a steep hill depending on what side you were on. As you can imagine, this imbalance in the physical structure created unneeded stress in our daily lives. 

The same is true of marriage. When the foundation isn’t right, the rest of your union is negatively affected. That’s why the first building block for a successful marriage is a solid foundation. What makes a strong marriage foundation? First, you and your mate need to have the same values as a couple. 

1. Establish godly values.

Many of us don’t think about our own values, much less our mate’s until well into the marriage. It’s after the honeymoon season is over that we begin to see our many differences. What’s important to one of you doesn’t matter to the other. 

Inspect the values you bring into your marriage and, with God’s help, align them with His values.

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God is the Healer. Think of our amazing Counselors as His little helpers. Call (239)244-3912 or visit our website.

This difference in values many times creates imbalance in our relationship. When you notice these contrasts, make time to discuss them. Don’t try to overlook them and hope that they’ll work themselves out. They won’t. In fact, over time these value differences have the potential to destroy your marriage. 

Godly values are essential to a solid marriage. Luke 6:48 compares those of us who hear God’s word and put it into practice to a wise builder: “They are like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built (NIV).” 

What does it mean to dig deep? Inspect the values you bring into your marriage and, with God’s help, make sure they line up with His values.

By the way, happiness should never be a marriage value, because you will always be disappointed. Happiness is a fruit that grows out of godly values within marriage. But remember: It’s never too late to make your marriage great! 

2. Know who your enemy is.

Understand that satan will do everything he can to destroy your unity while remaining undetected. He dupes the husband and wife into thinking their mate is their enemy. So many couples remain blind to the spiritual warfare that they’re facing daily, and satan likes it that way. 

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Ephesians 6:12

The devil is like a chameleon blending in with its environment. Couples need to get the revelation that “we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places (Eph. 6:12).” 

Recognizing your enemy is critical. Be smart. Discuss his strategies with each other and expose the tactics he is using against you. 

It is God’s holy will that we experience true love through marital intimacy.

3. Commit to doing your part daily.

Marriage has a way of bringing out the best and worst in each other. And the tendency is to zero in on our mate’s failures while excusing our own. Couples could improve their marriage greatly if each partner simply took responsibility for their own failures and addressed them. Yes, it takes courage. But admitting your weaknesses and being willing to work on them will improve your marriage immensely! Be transparent with each other.

4. Don’t withhold affection.

Two becoming one involves a healthy sex life. An unhealthy one causes great damage; and satan works greatly in this area (1 Cor.7:5).  It is God’s holy will that we experience true love through marital intimacy, and that requires a proper view of sex. However, we should never violate our mate’s conscience when it comes to sexual intimacy. There needs to be agreement on what our values are in this area. There’s much to talk about regarding this topic, but suffice it to say that sex within marriage is God’s will; and sex outside of marriage is a breach of our covenant with our mate and with Him. 

What foundation is your marriage built on? What areas do you need to address and change? Remember, it takes courage to build your marriage on a godly foundation.

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Shark and scuba diver selfie

What’s wrong with this picture?

While this blog was not originally written for couples, it definitely applies to a Christ-centered marriage. We’ve all seen, for example, a picture of a living room and been asked to identify what was wrong with it. After a few seconds, the answer becomes obvious. Next to the couch, coffee table, lamp and television, you spot a stove or bathtub.

As obvious as that is, many of us have things in our lives and relationships that are just as out of place—even detrimental. Let me name a few and see if you can identify some of them in your own Christian life. By calling ourselves Christians, you and I identify with Jesus Christ, the Architect of a Christ-like life.

By calling ourselves Christians, you and I identify with Jesus Christ, the Architect of a Christ-like life.

So what doesn’t belong?

  1. Refusing to forgive. We forgive with conditions (if at all), forgetting that God loves us unconditionally. He forgave our sins while we were yet enemies of the cross. We mistakenly believe that we can forgive or not whenever and whomever we want! (Mark 11:25,26 & Matthew 5:44)
  2. Holding back our first fruits to God (tithes and offerings). We give when it is convenient and hold back when it isn’t. We assume that God really doesn’t care when or how much we give. WRONG! (Proverbs 3:9)
  3. Not attending or belonging to a local church. We say things like “I don’t have to be part of a corporate body to serve God.” Is that what God says? Of course not! God requires us to come together! (Hebrews 10:24, 25) We see in the word that the first church God started on the day of Pentecost, met in the homes and the synagogue, daily and weekly.
  4. Keeping silent about Jesus. Every day we pass a multitude of people who are on their way to hell. We take for granted that we are on our way to heaven, so it doesn’t matter. Yet one of our primary purposes as Christ’s ambassador is to be a witness (share Jesus) to every person God puts in our path. That’s how Jesus our architect designed us. (Romans 10:13-15)
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Stress. Worry. Anxiety. Get rid of them all at Breaking Free Wellness Centers next workshop. Call 239.244.3912 to register! Breaking Free Wellness Center

Covenant or convenient

There are many other things that don’t belong in a Christ-centered marriage, but I believe that if you will remove these four, others will also go. We are not our own anymore. We belong to Jesus because He purchased us with His precious blood. Also keep in mind that you can only control your own actions—not your mate’s.

We can no longer just do what’s convenient. We are now covenant people.

We can no longer live on the premise that we’ll only do what’s convenient. We’re called to live every day for Him, through Him and by Him (Galatians 2:20).

That is the lifestyle we were created and designed for, the most fulfilling life we could live (Ephesians 2:10).

Remove what’s wrong

If you want your “living room” to reflect the Architect who designed it and His plans and purposes for such a creation, remove the things that don’t belong in the picture. Jesus is our Creator and Architect. Let’s glorify Him and stop taking Him for granted. He really does care how we live our Christian life. Ask yourself today: What’s wrong with this picture? And make a conscious effort to remove the things that don’t belong. It’s a great way to start every day.

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Slaying your marital Goliaths

When God created you and me, He didn’t form us with failure in mind. Our God—who has never failed nor lost a battle—created us in His likeness and image. His DNA flows through our veins. Now that doesn’t mean that you will never fail. It does mean, however, that failing doesn’t make you a failure. But that’s the lie our enemy satan always tries to sell us. 

Obedience attracts conflict

Whenever you take hold of God’s promises and determine to live them out, your obedience will always attract conflict. First Peter 4:12 says (and I paraphrase) “We shouldn’t be so shocked when big problems or trials arise.” When you finally decide to love each other unconditionally, that’s when the battle seems to come out of nowhere. 

Jesus says it this way in His parable of the sower (Matt. 13:1-23): When you allow God’s words of faith to be planted in your heart and you commit to walk them out, satan comes immediately to steal that seed. The moment you believe God’s promise for your marriage, that seed will be challenged by another seed — satan’s.

God’s word (seed) has all power to change a bad situation into a great one.

God’s word (seed) has all power to change a bad situation into a great one. The promise in God’s word is the very power that He uses to—not only create all things, but— uphold all the things He creates (Heb. 1:3). Satan’s seeds (lies) have no power except the power we give them. By believing a lie, you empower the liar. 

Accepting satan’s lies about our marriage, ourselves or our partner is crippling. God’s truth is always founded on His word. Satan’s deceptions are based on half-truths and out-and-out lies. It’s up to you to cast them down and strip them of power. The longer you entertain his thoughts, the greater the likelihood they will produce bad fruit in your home and marriage. 

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Stress. Worry. Anxiety. Get rid of them all at Breaking Free Wellness Centers next workshop. Call 239.244.3912 to register! Breaking Free Wellness Center

Know the reason why

Again, failing doesn’t make you a failure. But worse than failing is not knowing why. Why did I get offended and blow up at my wife/husband? Why did I slam the door and yell, “I never want to talk to you again!”? How could I break our marriage covenant and get caught up in an extramarital affair? 

Failing to understand the why will keep your Goliath lording it over you the rest of your life.

So many marriages fall apart—not because you and I fail, but—because we continually do the same things over and over without identifying why. Failing to understand the why will keep your goliath lording it over you the rest of your life. You can defeat your own personal goliath (and trust me we all have one) by being honest with yourself and not blaming each other. 

God is always there to help you recover from any failure or mistake. He is not your problem. Even your goliath (whatever it might be) isn’t your problem. You become your worst enemy when you believe satan’s lies about yourself and your marriage. You wind up with too big a devil and too small a God. 

Choose these 3 smooth stones

  1. Stand in front of a mirror and look yourself in the eyes. For some of you that’s a hard thing to do, but it’s necessary to come out of defeat and get on the road to greater and greater victories. You’ll come to the same conclusion that we all do when we’re honest before God: I’ve found the problem and it’s not my mate, my God or even my goliath. It’s me. 
  2. Take responsibility. Facing yourself and being honest about why you’ve failed to be the marriage partner you could be is a major step toward victory. It will keep you from repeating the same mistakes again. 
  3. Forgive yourself and ask God to refill your heart with His love and compassion for your mate. Ask Him for refreshed desire to see your marriage succeed. You see, the goliath we fight is in us. But greater is the other He in you than he that’s in this world. 

Go ahead and have a great marriage! It’s God’s design and purpose for you.

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Farming couple dancing in barn

How to reap the right rewards

When you were growing up, somebody taught you how to ride a bike and drive a car. But I bet they never showed you how to live happily ever after. Yet God desires that you and I live—not just a good marriage—but a GREAT one. And, fortunately, He hasn’t left it up to us to accomplish. He yearns to co-labor with you to make it happen… if you’ll let Him. 

Even though as Christians we can access God’s help, we mostly go it alone. So after a while, some of us conclude that a successful marriage is a myth. But I have good news for you: A great marriage is not a pipe dream. It can be your reality! 

A great marriage is not a pipe dream. It can be your reality! 

An amazing spiritual law

God has set into motion the amazing spiritual law of sowing and reaping, which can radically change your relationship for the better. When applied the right way, the law of sowing and reaping guarantees marriage success. Misapply it and it could actually make your marriage worse. 

Notice we sow first, then reap. Sowing requires giving something—whether words spoken or deeds done. Every time we sow we are assured a result. Of course, if you plant something bad or ungodly, you can expect the same in return. So mishandling the law works against you. 

The law of sowing and reaping was meant for us to increase in peace, harmony, joy, love, romance, understanding and prosperity. But a failure to understand this law has caused catastrophic results for many married couples. So let’s get it straight today. 

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Stress. Worry. Anxiety. Get rid of them all at Breaking Free Wellness Centers next workshop. Call 239.244.3912 to register! Breaking Free Wellness Center

Fruit in action

Here’s how to use this law on purpose in a positive way. Let’s say you want your mate to show you more respect and honor than they presently do. Through your words and good deeds, you would start sowing seeds of respect and honor into your mate—whether or not they reciprocate. Now you have just planted seeds that God will water; and He guarantees that it will bring you a 30, 60, or 100-fold harvest of fruit, the same kind you sowed. Blessings of respect and honor will begin to flow out of your mate toward you. 

Wow! It’s that simple with every good seed that we sow. God wants to co-labor with you in your marriage. Why not let Him by putting this spiritual law into practice on purpose in a positive way?  

 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.

‑ Galatians 6:7

On the other hand, you may have been sowing negative seeds, unaware that this powerful spiritual law was at work. Now that you know, you can turn it around and work this law for the benefit of your marriage. Start right now planting love, peace, affection, encouragement and good deeds into your mate. 

A due season harvest

Be patient. Whether your relationship is good or “borderline hopeless”, diligently apply God’s law, and in due season you will begin to see amazing results working in your marriage. With God nothing is impossible! Patiently sow good, and within a month’s time your marriage can become all that you dreamed.  

Start by asking God to forgive you for sowing bad seeds like criticism, unforgiveness, bitterness, coldness, etc. into your mate in the past. With that kind of seed, your marriage can’t grow better, only worse. 

Discover the power of one

All it takes is one of you to begin using this spiritual law the right way to turn your whole marriage around for the better. All the things you complain about, things your mate does or doesn’t do that irk you will turn around and become a blessing—in less than a month. 

Why wait for your husband or wife to make the first move? Start sowing into your marriage right now! You’ll see the power of one that God has offered to you. He wants to co-labor with you in your marriage to bring true fulfillment for the both of you. It only takes one to start the process. Why not you? Why not now? 

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fox in the woods

Watch out for the enemy you don’t see

Michele and I taught a 10-week Sacred Marriage course dealing with what I believe is one of satan’s greatest tools to destroy marriages today: Stress. It’s a major reason people’s lives are cut short. We know that heart attacks, mental illness, suicide, and drug abuse result from living with high stress levels. But let’s talk specifically about how it affects your marriage. 

Hidden danger

Stress is present in everybody’s life, but it mostly goes unnoticed. We are so used to living with tension that, unless it reaches a breaking point, we don’t pay much attention. Meanwhile, it quietly damages us individually and maritally. 

Think about it. Just the fact that females are completely different from males is enough to create stress. Then we marry somebody who is our polar opposite. Now factor in the different cultures and belief systems we grew up with. Think about the many changes and adjustments required just to live in harmony together. That’s a HUGE amount of stress—every day!  Yet, you may not even detect it as the cause of your marriage troubles. 

Stress quietly damages us individually and maritally.

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Stressed? Worried? Register today for this great healing workshop led by Bishop Gaspar Anastasi! Call (239) 244-3912.

Wounded love

Stress affects our spirit from which God’s unconditional love flows. Pressure shuts down, wounds, or causes our spirit to fall asleep. The enduring love that God placed in us for our mate is then turned off. So that leaves us with only the human kind of love that is easily offended and withdrawn. 

Most of the time, couples deal with the symptoms of their problems but rarely the roots. Marital stress results in bad attitudes, jealousy, criticism, unforgiveness and bitterness toward each other. We can sense the world closing in on us and feel our backs against the wall. These bad feelings lead us to make bad choices. Unfortunately, many effects of those unwise decisions can never be undone.

So what can couples do since stress has become part of our married lifestyle? 

Trust in and rely confidently on the Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know and acknowledge and recognize Him, and He will make your paths straight and smooth [removing obstacles that block your way].

Proverbs 3:5-6 (AMP)

To start the healing process:

  1. Accept the man or woman you married. Make a conscious decision to stop trying to force your spouse to be what you want. Your husband or wife might not do everything right, but changing them is God’s job—not yours. That alone will immediately eliminate 50% of your stress. If God wanted another you, He would have created one. Trying to control your mate just causes more stress in the marriage and separation between the two of you. 
  2. Trust God to form your mate into the partner you need. In the meantime, love them unconditionally without compromising your own values. And watch what God can do! While Jesus slept in a boat on the stormy sea, His disciples feared for their lives (Mark 4:35-41). But Jesus was resting in the will of God which was to take them to other side. Jesus trusted His Father’s heart concerning His destiny. Do you?
  3. Find your resting place in God and your marriage. Jesus woke up and asked His disciples (in my words), “Why are you so stressed out? Where is your trust in God?” Your marriage may not be where you want it, but rest in God (Prov. 3:5-6). Our Father provided you with a resting place in Him; you need to find it. When you let stress push you to control your mate and control the direction of your marriage, it opens the door for satan to divide and separate. Simply trust and believe that God is with you and that His promise for your marriage will come to pass. Rest alleviates stress. 

Rest alleviates stress. 

Finally, get your hands off your marriage. Put yourself and your mate back in God’s hands. Remember “what God has put together (not you), let no man put asunder”.

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