
Take back control of your life!

When a person who has offended and hurt you in the past suddenly comes into your presence, how do you react? For many of us, our mood immediately changes and we do everything possible to remove ourselves from their presence.

Past offenses left undealt-with make us vulnerable, allowing other people to control our life. We become slaves to our own feelings and emotions. If we don’t break free from the pain caused by those past offenses, our history will always show up in our destiny.

Living in the past hinders what God planned for our future, and also keeps God’s present and future blessings on layaway. Every time we react to emotions connected to those past hurts, its like eating dead things over and over again. Stop and release your enemies by forgiving.

Look at the birds

When you are constantly reminded and controlled by things that happened in the past, you are eating stuff you ought to be releasing. It won’t produce peace or joy. It just weighs you down.

Resentment makes us like a chicken that is earthbound because it can only fly a short distance. That’s because a chicken eats dead things (even its own feces) and is weighed down. In contrast, the eagle flies miles high and only eats things that are alive.

Holding on to offense does the same thing to us. We lose control of our life and give it to the person who offended us. It’s time to take back control by refusing to internalize what we ought to be releasing!

God gave us the ability to purge ourselves from offenses. His nature to forgive has now become our nature as Christians. It’s not unusual that the world struggles in this area. They are not equipped like we are.

Weakness vs. wickedness

Yet, why do Christians struggle? I believe it’s because we confuse wickedness with weakness. The person offending us doesn’t have to be wicked. Many times they’re just weak, unable to resist the temptation that caused them to make a wrong choice. 

We should all sympathize because we all suffer from the same weakness. The problem is: Because we are the victim of their wrong decisions, we consider them wicked and hold on to the offense (and continually eat dead things).

The heavy price of unforgiveness

Our unforgiveness doesn’t affect them—but us. We want them to pay a heavy price for hurting us, but by dwelling on hurtful memories we are drinking poison. We are “stopped up”, spiritually hurting ourselves. Just like our natural body, when we don’t release what goes in us, our health is seriously affected. The solution? Purge ourselves by forgiving our offenders because we recognize their weakness is not wickedness. 

God’s word says mercy will triumph over judgment. Sure, they may deserve to be punished, but so do you and I. But every day of our life, God’s mercy spares us the just punishment that we rightfully deserve!

Take back control of your life and allow God to bring you into the great destiny He has for you. Stop living like a chicken and start soaring like an eagle!

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