A time to flourish
We’ve never been this way before. Things we once took for granted are no longer the norm. The pandemic changed so many ways in which we live, especially our relationships. Gathering with friends and family used to be such a natural part of life. Then suddenly, for a while at least, everything we did revolved around our health and concerns about catching or transmitting the virus.
Now, despite all of the fear and division generated by the news and social media and the economic pressures rising in society, this is actually an opportune time for our marriages to grow stronger and flourish. Romans 8:28 says: “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28
It’s all good
ALL things work together for GOOD. Can you see that happening in this season? It is a great occasion to strengthen your marriage, especially if you are intentional about it. Couples now have the time to communicate honestly and transparently in areas where they may have neglected each other previously.
You might discover that you have put other things ahead of your husband or wife. Recognize that God is giving us this chance to rediscover our love for one another and the reason we married in the first place. Of course, you have to want a better marriage. Many of us have grown apart without really knowing it. Outside interests, career pressures and even other relationships have robbed time and interest that once belonged to our mate.
The most important relationship you have in life is with God. The second is with your mate. By God’s grace, He is giving us pause to put things back in proper alignment with Himself and each other. See the good in this season and not just the bad.
Nothing ever catches God by surprise. Even though God didn’t stir up all the stressful circumstances around us, He can and will use them for our benefit, if we look at life through His eyes.
The most important relationship you have is with God.

Rediscover happiness, restore hope
God’s destiny for couples is a happy and fulfilled marriage. So let’s use this time to make a plan. Here are a few things you can do to start the journey to happiness and fulfillment.
1. Talk about it. Discuss ways you could both work to make your marriage better. Be intentional about it, allowing honesty and transparency without judgment or criticism.
2. Act quickly. Put into motion right away the few concepts you agreed to in Number 1.
3. Ask forgiveness. Look at ways you have neglected your partner and take responsibility for your actions (or lack thereof). Don’t blame-shift. Make sure to truly forgive each other from your hearts.
4. Pray for revival. Join your hearts together in prayer to re-ignite the love you once shared.
Over time, couples can become calloused toward each other. The small steps above can start the process of melting your hardened hearts and restoring hope.
The devil is against you, but you have God on your side. GOD IS GREATER, so start praying now for His grace over your marriage. Then watch Him do great things through you. In these unprecedented times, expect extraordinary blessings. It’s never too late to make your marriage great!
We would love to hear what steps you agreed on to bring life back to your marriage! Please comment below.