
There’s no victory without a battle.

Who doesn’t like to be comfortable? Nobody. While most of us believe God will comfort us, the question is “How?” I have noticed that most of us have a misconception about that. We think that God’s comfort means that we can totally avoid uncomfortable issues we face. Or that He will remove us when we find ourselves in trouble. 

The God of comfort

Second Corinthians 1:3 & 4 says:

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.

The root of the word for comfort (parakaleo) in this New Testament scripture means “to call to one’s side; to encourage and to strengthen.” It never means to make it easy, take care of things for us or remove us from the struggle

When we read “God of all comfort”, it means that God wants to see a number of things accomplished in our life. He is committed to walk with us. And He encourages us in and through tests just like He did for Meshach, Shadrach, and Abed-Nego. When they went into the fiery furnace, they didn’t get burned. But they did get a greater revelation of who God is! 

The goal of trials

1. God wants us to know Him better and trust Him more. He uses the struggles we go through to accomplish that. Can you relate to that? I certainly can. 

2. Godly character is developed in our lives to increase our influence in the world we live in….many more people would be drawn to Jesus because of us. John 12:32, “And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself.”

3. When we go through our fiery furnaces with God, we will be prepared to glorify Him as overcomers and be equipped to face our future struggles and battles…leading to future greater victories.

So we need to settle in our hearts that something great will be accomplished in and through the daily struggles we face. It’s time to stop asking God to comfort us according to our misconceived notion of comfort. Instead of asking Him to take us out of our struggles we will pray that He comfort us by being with us in the struggles.

Oh yes. I almost forgot to mention another thing. 

4. One way God promotes us in His kingdom is through the victories we win in battle.

Promotion on the way!

In other words, the struggle you face is proof that God is getting ready to promote you in His kingdom! The greater the struggle, the greater the promotion. Wow! That means some of us are on the verge of great promotions in God’s kingdom!

David proves my point. After he faced and killed his Goliath, he was promoted from shepherd boy to king over God’s people.

In conclusion, the struggle you face today is about the destiny of tomorrow. The bigger the struggle the more that’s at stake. The next time you ask God to comfort you, remember there’s no victory without a battle. Don’t circumvent your destiny by giving in to comfort.…

Unmasking the real spirit of Halloween

Why Christians should have no part in Halloween

You may think of Halloween as innocent fun for the kids, but it is also a “high holy day” for modern-day witches. Does that sound innocent? The celebration of Halloween originated with the Druids, an order of priests and sorcerers in ancient Europe. The Druids worshiped the natural and supernatural worlds. According to their Celtic calendar, October 31st was the last day of the year—New Year’s Eve. On this day, they held the festival called Samhain which marked the start of winter and honored Samana, the Lord of Death.  

Druids believed that on this one night Samana allowed demons and ghosts and other spirits to wander about freely. In hopes of frightening these creatures, the Druids recited special chants and lit bonfires. 

They also made offerings of special foods to appease these evil spirits. Even more significantly, Druids disguised themselves in masks and costumes so the spirits of darkness would not recognize them and do them harm. 

You don’t have to look very hard to see many of our own Halloween traditions in these early Druid rites. Even today, satanists celebrate Halloween as one of two high holy days. It has also become one of the four greater sabbats—a Sabbath day for modern day witches and warlocks.

Because we have for so long believed Halloween to be an innocent season of fun, we have unknowingly exposed our children to a spirit of fear and to the occult. Halloween is a day that honors and glorifies Satan. 

From the beginning, people have believed that invisible spirits  were closer at Halloween than at any other time of the year. Furthermore, they believed that evil spirits could help them predict the future. 

Many of the Halloween activities practiced today were originally used as methods of divination, (Jeremiah 27:9; Galatians 5:19-21). In fact, much of our “innocent” Halloween tradition actually comes from satanically inspired rituals.

Bobbing for apples was a method of fortune-telling. The winner of the contest was advised of certain things such as who they would marry, what occupation to pursue, etc.
Broomsticks, according to legend, were used by witches to fly on to meet with the devil on Halloween.
Black cats were thought to be witches themselves as well as being a witch’s constant companion.
Jack-o-lanterns can be traced back to an Irish folk tale of a man named Jack who was not allowed into heaven because of his sins; nor was he let into hell because he had played two tricks on the devil. So Jack was condemned to walk the earth with a lighted coal in a pumpkin. 
Simply put, Halloween glorifies everything God has called an abomination. It is a day that honors satan and his forces of darkness. And as a Christian, you have no business celebrating or participating in it!

God’s Word gives us clear instructions

Abstain from all appearance of evil
( I Thessalonians 5:22); 

…neither give place to the devil (Ephesians 4:27)

Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. (Eph. 5:11)

The acts of the sinful nature are… idolatry and witchcraft…drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God. (Gal. 5:19-21)

The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work. (I John 3:8)

Choose this day whom you will serve. (Josh. 24:15) 

Christians should teach their children that…

There is a spiritual world filled with goodness from God and evil from Satan (Eph. 2:1-10);

Life with Christ has power over darkness (I John 4:4); and

Those who celebrate Halloween either are unaware of its roots, or are intentionally promoting a world where evil is lauded and viewed as an ultimate power.

To counter the evil influence of Halloween, we need to celebrate the reality of the heroic efforts of Christian saints over the evil in their day. Many leaders in the past—and present —have fulfilled the mandate of destroying the works of the devil through their sacrificial commitment to Christ and His Kingdom. Even more importantly, teach your children that this power belongs to them as well. Let them know that, as  Christians, we are on the winning side.

Teach them to celebrate good over evil and the triumph of God over Satan; to celebrate God’s protection, provision and purpose for our lives—rather than applauding the spirits of death and wickedness which Halloween promotes.…

The Perfect Dad

This weekend, the world celebrates fathers. But I want to draw your attention to a Dad we seldom connect with Father’s Day. Yet, He’s the world’s only perfect Dad. He is the role model for all fathers.

Our God is the kind of Father Who will never turn His back on you, no matter what you do or don’t do. He’s the kind of Dad who longs to be loved, adored and cherished. He’s the kind of Father that, regardless of the time of day or night, yearns to hear your heart beat.

God is the kind of Father that, when everybody else has turned you off, waits patiently with open arms and an open heart for you to come to Him — knowing He was your last choice.

He’s a Father into whose lap you can crawl and on whose chest you can lay your head, knowing that His strong, always-willing arms will hold you tight. And with a voice full of strength and compassion He’ll comfort you with: “Everything will be alright.”

He’s the kind of Father that, not only gives sound advice and direction for your life, but much needed correction and gentle, but sure, instruction.

He’s the kind of Father that always has some special little gift for you. He delights in letting you go through His pockets to find that treat He has stored there just for you.

He’s a Father that you can’t help but love and respect as Father; but Whom you can also reach your arms out to and adore as Daddy.

Wow, that almost seems too good to be true! Yet, our God who created each of us, has made Himself to be all those things I just described.

Yes, God is a Father who would never reject His children. Yet He weeps over His many children who have rejected Him.

From the beginning, God has desperately wanted that kind of close Father/child relationship with us, His creation. But beginning with Adam and Eve, we have chosen the fatherhood of a lesser god called satan.

Instead of being lavished with love, compassion and blessings, we’ve been abused, molested and rejected. Satan steals from his own kids and denies them love because he has none to give.

Still others are spiritual orphans. That describes many Christians. They have rejected satan, accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior, but haven’t allowed His Father to be theirs.

God promises in II Corinthians 6:17-18: “… come out from among unbelievers, and separate yourselves from them, says the Lord. Don’t touch their filthy things, and I will welcome you. And I will be your Father, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.”

Turn your whole heart over to God right now and stop dabbling in sin. Our loving Father has a place on His lap reserved just for you.

He longs for your love. Don’t let anything delay your entering the warm embrace of your loving Father God today.…

Expect God’s glory!

“And the Lord said, “Here is a place by Me, and you shall stand on the rock. So it shall be, while My glory passes by, that I will put you in the cleft of the rock, and will cover you with My hand while I pass by.” (Exodus 33:21, 22). This was God’s response to Moses when he asked to see His glory. Like Moses, you and I need to raise our expectations that God will display all His goodness in the midst of us. 

God is looking for a people who are hungry for His presence. Does that describe you? God said, “I will prepare a place for you where you can stand as I show My glory.” That place God prepared for us is the only place where any human being can stand who truly wants to know Him. That place is the Rock of Jesus. No man can come to the Father except by Him.

Stand on the Rock

The devil loves to play with your mind and tell you that you’re too dirty to come into God’s presence. You must recognize it’s not your goodness, but Jesus’. We can’t come to Him on our own merits. We can’t enter His presence based on good works or church membership. The only way is through the cleansing, atoning blood of the Lamb of God. We can never be worthy enough to enter God’s presence (or for God to enter ours). God the Father made Jesus to be sin for us because He longs to be intimate with us. He’s not satisfied with a distant relationship and neither should we be.

The rock God showed Moses to stand on is a gift that He offers just as freely to you and me, so that we too can experience His glory. 

God the Father has never been able to reveal His raw glory on earth because it destroys flesh. When Jesus came, He was cloaked in the veil of human flesh. That’s the only reason men could look upon His face and live. 

God the Father has shape and form like you and me. He is not cosmic dust floating around in outer space. In this encounter with Moses in Exodus 33 and with the apostle John in Revelation chapters 4 and 5, we see He has a face, hands and back parts.

Stand in right-standing

Because you and I have been elevated to a position of right-standing with God through the blood of Jesus, we have the privilege to stand at His side, hide in the cleft of the Rock, and live. That’s also why we can expect His glory to show up here.

What’s so special about the glory of God? Well, when we enter it, everything will change. Suddenly, strife and contention will be replaced by the desire to lay down our lives for one another. Forgiveness will well up in you and you’ll go make things right with those whom you have ought against. You’ll notice a longing to come into unity and agreement with what God is doing in this body. There will be such an impartation of God’s presence, everyone will know it. You won’t have to announce to anyone that you have been in His presence. It will be obvious. 

So please join me in asking Father God as Moses did… “Please show me Your glory.” 

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The Esau Syndrome

Esau, the first born, came in from hunting and said to his brother Jacob who was cooking pottage, “Quick, let me have some of that red stew! I’m famished!” Jacob replied, “First sell me your birthright.” Esau said, “Look, I am about to die. What good is the birthright to me?” So he swore an oath, selling his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of stew. The Bible summarizes this heated exchange with one cold statement: “So Esau despised his birthright” (Gen. 25:34).

Position, Privilege and Power

As the firstborn and heir to his father’s fortune, Esau was to come into Position, Privilege and Power. That was his birthright. However, he wasn’t willing to wait.

Every day the enemy tempts us to compromise future blessings to meet an immediate emotional need. How often we Christians fall prey to the Esau Syndrome! How often we sell our place of Position, Privilege and Power to meet a carnal craving, a lustful appetite! Yet, only God satisfies.

Just like Esau, we reason, “What good is my birthright? I’m hungry now! Why wait? I need someone to love me now!” We see an opportunity to get what we think God wants to give us…but our way. So we close our eyes and leap into sin, emptiness and spiritual death, trying to meet our need instead of relying on God. Thus, the Esau Syndrome has crippled the body of Christ and made us dysfunctional.

No Shortcut to God’s Best

In God’s house there are no elevators, only steps. You must go through the steps He ordains in order to inherit the blessings He has prepared.

I know so many Christians who have promises from God, but they are not willing to allow God to take them on His journey in order to receive them. How sad that is! They end up losing everything for a pot of beans. 

It’s like the weight lifter who wants the bulging muscles, so he takes steroids. He looks good on the outside, but inside his body is being destroyed.

Exodus 13:17 says that God led the children of Israel “not in the way of the Philistines.” There was a way to the promised land that was quicker, but in the shortcut, they would have dealt with the lusts of the flesh and they might have gone back to Egypt and into bondage. 

Stop Selling Your Birthright

God is re-training us to trust Him rather than ourselves. He wants us to be led by His Spirit and not by our emotions. 

Church, stop living out of your soul. Stop selling your birthright. Any time you try to be self-sufficient rather than God-sufficient, you go right back into bondage like before. Allow God to take you on the journey that will mature you. Don’t fall for the devil’s counterfeit. No shortcut will produce a Christ-like result in your life.

Have we not yet come to realize that, unless God meets our need, we will be left hungry and thirsty? Have we not hit enough dead ends to know that God has to bring it to pass? It takes a mature Christian to say no to the lusts of our flesh and yes to Jesus. Let’s be disciplined. Let it not be said of us, “So they despised their birthright.”…

A dwelling place for God

We see in the very beginning that our God wanted specifically to have fellowship with man, His highest order of creation. You could go so far as to say that God created man so that He could have fellowship with him.

The Book of Genesis is the Book of Beginnings, the seed plot of the whole Bible. In other words if something is presented as a principle in Genesis, it’s a principle that God intends to keep throughout the whole book. It’s called the Law of First Mention.

So from the beginning of time until this day, our main purpose as God’s people is to have a close, intimate, personal, on-going relationship with God. I’m talking about a relationship with the tangible presence of God, not just the “idea” of God.

Yet, for the most part, that has not been the primary focus of the Church today. We have been so committed to serving the God of our salvation we forgot about walking in the cool of the day with Him. That’s equivalent to the Old Testament priests who spent all of their time in the Holy Place right next to the Holy of Holies (the raw presence of God). They lost focus of their whole purpose of being priests, which was to dwell in the presence of God.

If we satisfy ourselves with just serving God instead of dwelling with Him, we will miss the whole purpose of our existence.

It’s not that serving God is wrong. It’s just not the end result. It is just one of the steps along the way in our journey as Christians. Ultimately our direction and purpose is to become a dwelling place for God’s tangible presence. It’s in His presence that everything we hope for, everything we need, and  everything we desire is fully met.

It’s in the Holy of Holies or the tangible presence of God that He equips us to overcome Satan and all his evil forces of darkness and bring the kingdom of God to bear in our lives and the places that He appoints us to.

Let’s look at the tabernacle once again, since we are the New Testament tabernacle of God today. When the priests went into the Old Testament tabernacle, they first entered the outer courts. It was there that the animals were sacrificed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Today, this is the place where we deny our flesh and praise God and give Him thanks. It’s a beginning and not an end. It is a starting point—not a destination.

Yet so many Christians never get beyond developing a life of praise. It’s good but not the finish line. The whole purpose of the tabernacle was to continue on past the outer courts, then into the holy place, and ultimately into the Holy of Holies—the tangible presence of God. God is longing for us to dwell in His presence and to build Him a place that he would be comfortable to dwell in, not just visit. If you build it, He will come.

Who today will go back to the first principles that God laid out in the Book of Genesis and make His presence the focus of his or her life? Who will build a resting place for the Lord God Almighty? Let our answer today be a resounding “I  will, Lord!”…

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