
Discover the Cure for Loneliness

You don’t have to be single to be lonely. I know quite a few married folk who are extremely lonely. God created each of us for an intimate, personal relationship with Himself first and then with one another. When that doesn’t occur, it brings emptiness inside our spirit, producing feelings of loneliness.

When we spiritually and emotionally connect to our Creator and other humans, we feel fulfilled and whole and are strengthened to handle our problems with greater success. By and large, lonely people don’t handle stress well and are more prone to break down emotionally. They are also more susceptible to depression, suicidal thoughts and sickness. But, married or single, loneliness doesn’t have to be your plight.

Here are some things to help cure loneliness:

  1. Stop looking for another person make you happy and fulfilled. That’s too much pressure for any one person to bear. Look to God. He alone gives true fulfillment, joy and happiness. He will use other people, but He is the source of life and the antidote for loneliness. Many married couples suffer severe loneliness because they look to each other for what only God can supply!
  2. Recognize that you are valuable all by yourself. Too many singles look for affirmation through anyone who’s available. In their quest for acceptance and personal value, they make poor choices in friends and soul mates. Two wounded, unfulfilled individuals don’t make a whole relationship. Quite the contrary!

God wants you to connect with other people. However, you will never conquer feelings of loneliness until you first connect with your creator God and recognize how valuable you are as an individual in Him.

Instead, find your identity in Jesus Christ. Know that when He made you He didn’t make junk. Connect with His plans for you by giving Him access to your heart. That connection comes from reading His word daily and believing what He says about you. For instance, Ephesians 3:20 says: “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.” The power that works in us is faith in God’s word. I recommend you search for scriptures that tell you who you are in Christ and all you can accomplish in Him. Philippians 4:19 says: “I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me”.

  1. Take the pressure off those you’re relying on to fill your void. Release them right now and place your eyes, trust and hope in God.
  2. Take inventory and count your blessings. Too often, we focus on what we don’t have, instead of what we do have. Taking inventory of all God has given you will make you realize how much He loves you.
  3. Finally, take dominion over your thought life. Loneliness is produced by a series of thoughts about your past, present and future. Don’t let the devil play with your mind. As a man thinks in his heart, so is he (Proverbs 23:7). Decide today to make Jesus Lord over your thoughts.

Every time feelings of loneliness overtake you, stop and realize that the problem is in your mind. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you the thoughts that are plaguing you. Then, with His help, tear them down and replace them with God’s thoughts (His word).

God wants you to connect with other people. However, you will never conquer feelings of loneliness until you first connect with your creator God and recognize how valuable you are as an individual in Him.…

Live above your own means.

Many of us put limits on what God can — and is willing — to do for us. We severely limit our prosperity when we base it on our own ability and circumstances. Not having a good education or being born “on the wrong side of the tracks” or into a broken family—in God’s plan and purpose, none of these things disqualify you from His greatest resources.

Truth #1: God has an unlimited supply of resources for you! And His greatest desire is that we receive them and live far beyond our own means (Matthew 6:33).

Truth #2: God isn’t holding back on you. The wrong impression we have about God (and give to others) is twofold:

1. We are waiting for God to bless us. That it’s all up to Him, so we must continually beg Him in our prayers. No! He’s waiting for us.

2. We have to earn God’s blessings. No again! All of God’s blessings are freely given because of His unconditional love (John 3:16 & Eph. 2:8,9).

Truth #3: Your heart must be pure. Your desire to prosper shouldn’t be motivated by selfishness. God isn’t opposed to us having material blessings. He is looking for people who want to live larger for Him. He wants people who will use His resources to expand His influence and His kingdom in every way possible. Selfishness can greatly hinder our level of prosperity.

Truth #4: We must be willing to make room for increase. Many of us have the right heart, believe God has all the resources we need and that He is not holding anything back, but our thinking — and faith — is too small. (As a man thinks in his heart; so shall he be).

Maybe we’re believing God for a hundred-dollar blessing when He wants to give us a thousand! We stop at believing for our marriage not to cause us problems, when God wants us to experience marital bliss! Or we just trust Him for a raise, when He has in mind a new job, a higher position and a tripled income!

God first releases His resources in our hearts and minds before they ever become a reality in our lives (Eph. 3:20). In other words, you must see it in your imagination before you can receive it in reality. Make room by stretching your imagination to believe what God says He wants to give you (Hebrews 11:6).

You and I determine our level of prosperity — not God. We can raise our level of prosperity by walking in agreement with these truths. Start today to apply them. Let the Holy Spirit paint on the canvas of your heart the increase God desires to give you!…

What’s following you?

No one lives this life without affecting others, whether for good or evil. Our influence makes lasting impact for generations. Our legacy lays a path for our children and grandchildren to follow. It will either lead them to do greater things or cause them to stumble.

Deuteronomy 30:19 says that the choices we make today will bless or curse those who follow us. Every one of us has an account in heaven where we make daily deposits for our future—either blessings of mercy or curses of iniquity.

What are you depositing?

We store up blessings of mercy by making God-honoring choices that put Him before ourselves. When we make time to go to church, give tithes and offerings, forgive others and overlook their wrongs, resist temptations—all these things bless God.

Conversely, taking the easy way out, compromising, giving in to temptation, refusing to forgive, following our feelings and intellect, inconsistently attending corporate gatherings, holding back tithes and offerings—these actions store up curses for our future and that of our children and grandchildren (Exodus 20:5).

Look back in your own family tree, and you may realize that a legacy of mercy, favor and blessing was stored up for you by your parents and grandparents who paid the price in sacrifices and right choices. You may also see how some of your present struggles are inherited from them.

The buck stops here!

Those curses of iniquity need not go any further. We’ve all sown bad seeds in our lives, but its time to reverse the curse. You can be the “bloodline-changer” in your family and end its negative effect on your children and your children’s children. Ask “What is in my heavenly bank account? Blessings of mercy? Or curses of iniquity?” The buck can stop with you!

The legacy we leave is more valuable, enduring and life-changing than silver and gold that perish. 

The Apostle Paul pointed out to Timothy that his strong faith first lived in the hearts of his grandmother Lois and mother Eunice (2 Tim. 1:5). Their deposits of faithful prayer and worship into their heavenly bank account benefited their child.

Wouldn’t it be great if God could tell your descendants the same about you when they see divine favor and special blessings in their lives? The legacy we leave is more valuable, enduring and life-changing than silver and gold that perish. 

Every family needs a David.

That’s why Solomon asked the Lord to remember the mercies of His servant David (2 Chron. 6:42). David wasn’t a perfect man, but he knew how to honor God, which deposited blessings of mercy in his heavenly account for his sons to withdraw.

God honored David’s sacrifices and his right choices. For all that, God promised David that, instead of giving them what they deserved, He would correct his sons with mercy if they turned away from Him (which they did).

God’s covenant of mercy also extends to you and me. Be the David of your family! The next time you put down your flesh and make a right decision, remember that, like David, you are depositing mercy in your heavenly account. Leaving a lasting legacy for future generations.…

Light the fire again.

Isn’t it amazing how big a $20 bill looks when you take it to church and how small it is when you take it to the mall? Or think about how long an hour serving God seems compared to the same 60 minutes spent watching TV, playing sports, sleeping or taking a lunch break!

Where are your priorities?

Consider how laborious it is to read a chapter in the Bible, but so easy to cuddle up with a 200 page bestselling novel. We may have trouble getting up for church on Sunday morning but no problem whatsoever staying out late on a big date the night before.

Isn’t it strange how quick we are to trust directions from a total stranger if we are lost? Or take the advice of the latest pop-psychologist? But we are so hesitant to seek God’s direction in the Bible for the issues of our life. You get my point.

It comes down to priorities. You may go through life convinced that your priority is loving and serving God, but is it really? When examined more closely, your actions may betray your true priorities.

1. Recognize your condition and repent for living a hypocritical Christian life!

Admit that, like the Church of Laodicea in the Book of Revelation, your heart for the things of God is lukewarm at best.

According to scripture, a lukewarm Christian is worse than an unbeliever. At least an unsaved person, when faced with the truth of their ungodly lifestyle, may recognize their need for Jesus. But a lukewarm Christian is deceived into thinking that everything is good. How far from the truth!

2. Study God’s Word to find out what He expects of those who have His Spirit.

John 15:1-7 tells us that, if we’re connected with Him there must be evidence (fruit) of His life in us. We should obey His Word, demonstrate a giving nature, show unconditional love for one another, worship and praise Him continually, develop a prayer life and—last but not least—come together regularly to worship Him.

3. Get baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit daily.

He is the presence of God and He will keep you passionately in love with Jesus. When the fire goes out, we’re all subject to living a compromised Christian life, but the Holy Spirit is available every moment of our life. Get into the habit of being filled with His presence daily. It’s as simple as asking, “Please fill me.”

4. Share your faith with someone daily.

I believe this is absolutely necessary. Why? Too many of us are closet Christians… afraid of rocking the boat. Or we’re deceived into thinking that we should keep our faith to ourselves.

We must flow the river of God’s love by sharing our faith with others. This allows God to continually pour more of Himself in us and keep us fresh in His anointing.

Let’s rip the veils of deception off of our eyes and start living the true Christian life! Don’t buy the lie many Christians are falling for today: They believe they’re going to heaven, while not believing there is a hell!

It’s time to face the truth and get your priorities straight… or face the consequences. Believe me: It’s worth the effort.…

What am I living for?

Wouldn’t it be great if the only thing people didn’t like about today’s church was our radical commitment and our fanatical, on-fire loyal devotion for Jesus? And, in spite of that, they still wanted us to be their bosses, their friends and would want their sons and daughters to marry ours? Unfortunately that is definitely not the reason they don’t like the church!

Why do people resist the church?

The main reason people resist the church is that we are no different than the world. We lie, deceive and cheat just like the world. We don’t have integrity in our word and we hold unforgiveness and hatred in our hearts for one another… just like the world. At the end of the day, our approach to Christianity is about ME. It is self-centered and has little to do with others. We say things like:

“I need to get my life in order, so I better start going to church on a regular basis.”

Or “I need to go to church so I can receive answers to my prayers.”

Or “I better give so I can get blessed.”

The focus is on “ME” and making sure that please God so He will bless ME. We create a lifestyle of hypocrisy that causes the people in our sphere of influence to resist church. But, Jesus came to teach us a completely different model of what His church is to be.

The price of love

Jesus’ church is all about others and how we can love them. It’s about focusing on the other person, not you. Following Jesus means leaving everything that’s all about you and focusing on what’s all about others! He invites us to love people the way our heavenly Father loves them–by laying down our lives. “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).

Jesus’ model is a lot simpler (but more costly) than today’s religious model with all its conditions that are necessary to please God. The price we pay is to love our enemies and do good to those that hate and persecute us.

To love us, it cost our heavenly Father the sacrifice of His Son. It cost Jesus His life. So what will it cost you to be a disciple of Jesus and follow him? Everything!

Jesus showed us His model of church when He not only laid down His life on the cross for us but also when He took off His robe, wrapped a towel around His waist and washed His disciples’ feet. He told His disciples that if He did it, they should also do it. Matthew 10:25 says that a disciple is just like his master. In John 13:34, Jesus said we will be known as His disciples if we love others as He has loved us.

Christian or disciple?

It pleases God when you love others the way He loves you. Christianity has a bad name because it presents such a broad definition of what a true follower of Jesus really looks like. You can be a liar and still be called a Christian. You could backbite and sow seeds of discord and still be called a Christian. The world sees you on the job and hears how you talk and treat others. No wonder when you invite them to church they don’t want to come!

The first followers of Jesus weren’t even called Christians; they were called Disciples. A disciple is like his master and the definition of the word disciple offers a narrower description of what a true follower of Jesus should look like.

The question is: Which one are you? Look at all the empty seats in the church and ask yourself, “How many people want to come to church because of me? Am I a Christian or am I a disciple?…

Racism in the Church, part 2

In my last blog, I exposed the roots of racism and placed the greatest responsibility on the church. Addressing racism and eradicating it in our nation and the world is our responsibility. I would like to offer some biblical solutions that we can take—not tomorrow—right now! 

Hate what God hates

I believe God has allowed us to live in this season of time when racism is running rampant and unchecked so we can make a difference. It’s time for believers to get their heads out of the sand and speak up on behalf of God concerning racism. We exist as the body of Christ to represent Him here on earth, true? 

Simply expressed: God hates racism just like he hates lying, divorce, murder, abortion and any other sin. There needs to be a unified church voice that says we hate what God hates, and that is racism. We won’t tolerate it in our lives or our churches. 

Making that statement should bring many believers to the altars of repentance because, unfortunately, racism does exist in the heart of some believers.

Suggested steps to take

Let me suggest some steps we, as the body of Christ, should take:

  1. Each local church should have a service for the specific purpose of repenting for the past sin of racism; sin that the Christian church embraced before and during the years of slavery. Whether we like it or not, the church has a faulty foundation of racism that has been overlooked for years. 
  2. I believe we need to commit ourselves to root out any racism that exists in our churches today by speaking against it from the pulpits. We as believers and church leaders have been quiet too long and now is the time to make our voices heard. We need to remind our flock that racism is a sin and that it will not be tolerated in our churches. We should make our altars available for repentance for those who are convicted by the Holy Spirit. 
  3. As a corporate body, we need to set time during our services to pray against the demonic activity that’s behind racism in our church and nation. Scripture says our battle isn’t fought against flesh and blood, but against demon spirits that work through people who have open doors to racism.
  4. Pastors need to teach and remind their congregants of the history of racism in this nation, and ask the Holy Spirit to impart empathy in our hearts so we would have a greater love for all people—especially for people of color. 
  5. We need to make our congregants aware of open doors in their own lives passed down in their family lineage. We may have unconsciously embraced a belief system of racism. Maybe some of us are unaware of the roots of racism in our lives.

    A good example would be: A father who raises his children with a lifestyle degrading people of color. He passes on the belief that people of color aren’t equal to white people and don’t deserve the same form of justice. As adults, when they accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior, the children carry those same demonic beliefs into their Christian life. They never denounced their generational sin of racism, nor were they even challenged to do so from the pulpit. Too often it isn’t addressed as sinful and against the heart of God. 
  6. The people of God need to stop addressing each other by color and ethnic background. This creates division and separation, rather than unity. God created only one human race and we are all children of the Most High God. Our Father knows and identifies us by our spirit—not our color. We need to see each other through spirit eyes, not carnal eyes that are influenced by Satan. 

Cleansing and outpouring

Just these few things implemented immediately and consistently will cause a cleansing and purification of the body of Christ. And there needs to be a cleansing in the church before there can be a great outpouring of His presence. 

I believe we are about to experience a “Psalm 133 Outpouring” that would touch this nation and every nation across the globe….

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious oil upon the head, running down on the beard, the beard of Aaron, Running down on the edge of his garments. It is like the dew of Hermon, descending upon the mountains of Zion; For there the LORD commanded the blessing–Life forevermore.” —Psalm 133:1-3

We are called to be examples of what heaven’s culture looks like to unbelievers. But, before we can see a true breakthrough, racism has to be confronted and dealt with first by you and me—the church of the living God!

Let’s do our part

 If you’re a Pastor reading this, let’s join our hearts together and bring an end to racism by doing our part. If you’re a member of a church, please get this article into the hands of your Pastor and encourage him to confront racism.

Remember, you can be an asset by supporting Christians that take responsibility for ending racism in America. Better yet, join us in prayer for this miracle movement of God to take place in this season. I declare: We will see the end of racism in our lifetime!…

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