Do you know who you are?
Today’s Blog is a little different than usual. We want to take this time to introduce the new Breaking Free Living Well offices in Fort Myers, FL. At Word of Life, we’ve counseled and prayed inner healing for thousands of people over the past 35 years, and God said it was time to take this very special ministry into the community and beyond.
We’re also adding a new component of Life Coaching which ties in perfectly helping people to, “Live Well.” We’ve wanted to do this for a long time, and I’m excited to share that we’ve recently received our Life Coaching certification. For those of you who aren’t familiar with Life Coaching let me explain what it’s all about.
Why would someone want Life Coaching?
- Coaches help people to set and reach specific goals.
- Coaches help in developing a closer walk with God.
- Coaches walk with people through life transitions and other changes.
- Coaches help stimulate and clarify vision.
Often a person may feel like something is missing in their life, but not know what that something is. One of the coach’s first tasks is to help a counselee become aware of what is creating that sense of dissatisfaction.
How is Coaching different from counseling?
- Coaching is not for people who need to overcome painful influences from the past. That’s where inner healing prayer and counseling are invaluable.
- Coaching helps you build vision and move toward the future.
- Coaching is not about looking back; it’s about looking ahead.
- Coaching is not about healing; it’s about growing.
What happens in Coaching?
Coaching is client-centered and goal-directed. Every coaching situation is unique, but usually coaches will begin by exploring the issues the person wants to change. In what areas do they want to grow? Christians in coaching may seek to determine where God appears to be leading them.
There is also the need for awareness of where the person is at present.
What are their strengths, weaknesses, abilities, spiritual gifts, interests, passions, values and hopes? Often the coach will use assessment tools to enable people to learn more about themselves.
Then comes vision. Coaches might assist in helping the person in formulating their life-vision or mission statement. Without a clear vision, people tend to drift with no direction.
Coaches will also help people set goals and plan ways to reach these goals.
When obstacles get in the way, coaches challenge, encourage and give accountability so the person can get past the obstacles and experience success. A coach can help you remove the blinders, allowing you to see what you may not recognize and give support as you move forward.
A Christian coach is there for you, prayerfully listening to your concerns and asking questions that will give you clarity on your situation, get you past roadblocks, realize your God-given potential, and challenge you to be your best. So let’s get started!
Location is no obstacle. We can counsel or coach you online using Zoom. Call (239) 244.3912 or visit for more information on how you can benefit from Life Coaching or Counseling from our experienced and compassionate. team.…