How big is your God?
When the prophet Isaiah (6:1) saw the Lord high and lifted up and the train of His robe filling the temple, he gained fresh revelation of the awesome power and authority of God. He was overwhelmed by this vision of God! In Isaiah’s day, kings attached to their train the trains of kings they defeated in battle. The length of the train indicated the kings’s authority. Isaiah saw the one and only true God as a king with unlimited power and authority!
Our fears, frustrations, depression and hopelessness come from a lack of revelation of how big and awesome our God truly is. The God with whom we identify determines the amount of fear, stress, worry and hopelessness we experience. If we see God the way Isaiah did, opposition won’t discourage us.
We must never stop desiring deeper understanding of what God can do in and through our lives, because yesterday’s revelation won’t meet today’s challenges. Too many people are living on yesterday’s understanding and they’re filled with fear, anxiety and worry—a sure sign that the God they know is too small.
What God do you identify with? One who is able to do this, but not that? Remember, Isaiah was already God’s prophet before he received that new revelation. If he needed to be reminded of who God really is, how much more do we need a fresh download of revelation from heaven?
Here are some qualities you need to increase your view of the authority of God:
1. Brokenness, demonstrated by meekness and humility. You can’t expect to get fresh revelation if you are prideful, self-righteous or unteachable. Isaiah was devastated by the death of the friend and king he served for 52 years. But through his devastation, he glimpsed the True King. Trauma or the removal of people we put before God often develops in us humility and brokenness.
2. A desire to know God more. Some people are satisfied with what they already know of God. They stop pursuing Him, but God only feeds the hungry. Ask God to give you a deeper hunger for more of Him. He’ll certainly answer that prayer because He wants to be known by you. Moses served God for many years, but when he cried out to know Him more, he experienced His presence to the point that God’s glory shone from his face!
3. Seeking Him with all your heart. People always say they love God with all their heart, but they’re deceived if God isn’t their main passion. Here’s the acid test: What do you do when no one is watching? Do you spend time just loving on Him? Is He the focus of your attention? Jeremiah 29:12-14 says, “Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you, says the Lord….” The key phrase is with all your heart. Plead with God to turn your heart to Him and no one else.
4. Acknowledgement that we have “unclean lips”. Isaiah knew his language revealed a lack of understanding of how big God really is. Change what you say to your mountain. Stop agreeing with your problems and stop complaining about what God isn’t doing in your life. God’s power is in His word! So, if your God is big enough, your words ought to reflect that. The greatness of your God…