
Posts by Gaspar Anastasi

Breaking false boundaries

Boundaries are limits placed on us either by ourselves or outside forces. Strongholds in our minds cause false perceptions of what we can or can’t accomplish. They dictate to us how we can or can’t live. They are deceptions that distort reality and keep us away from the success in Christ for which we were created.

One of the greatest boundaries is fear. FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real! I’m not talking about the natural fear we are born with that protects us from real danger, but—the spirit of fear that paralyzes and blinds us to God’s truth. Unfortunately, I see many people hindered in their walk with God because of it.

 “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

Second Timothy 1:7 says, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” This verse tells me that the kind of fear that creates worry, anxiety, phobias, torment, etc., comes from a spirit of fear. We don’t have to live that way, yet many accept fear as a way of life. Others deal with it through drugs. Today, prescription pills are the “quick cure” for those who suffer from fear. No wonder so many are addicted!

Here are some principles that will help you break the false boundary of fear.

1. Recognize that fear is a spirit. Luke 10:19 says you have been given dominion over every demon spirit that attacks you: “Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” Aggressively resist that spirit of fear by believing the word of Doctor Jesus. His prescription is the “gospills” (His words) and they aren’t addictive or mood altering!

2. Get to know God’s love firsthand. Fear creates tremendous insecurity. Someone else telling you that God loves you is not good enough. Only Gods’ love can make your heart trust God’s promises and cancel out Satan’s lies!

First John 4:18 says, “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment.” Knowing the depth of God’s love brings security and the strength to resist the False Evidence Appearing Real. Be patient with yourself during this time of learning God’s love for you. Too many of us have fallen into self-hatred and condemnation because we didn’t understand this spiritual war.

3. Be very careful of the kind of books you read, TV shows and movies you watch. The wrong ones will just intensify your fears. This is war, so be disciplined about what you allow to enter your mind and spirit, because your eyes and ears are the gateways to those areas.

4. Understand the transference of spirits. You will become like whomever you hang around! Avoid spending time with fearful people. Why? Like spirits attract each other. It’s likely your friends have the same problems you do, so choose new friends who are walking victoriously with God.

Don’t accept a demon-controlled life, limited by false boundaries. If you do, they will place more and more limits on you. Meanwhile, Jesus already set you free! “Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed (John 8:36:).”

Fear can and should be defeated, but if you don’t contest it, it will become a full-blown phobia. Don’t open the door to a demon-controlled life, limited by false boundaries.…

What To Do With Disappointment, Pt. 1

Everyone faces disappointment from time to time. It’s part of life. But not everybody handles disappointment with success. For many of us, disappointments control us, overtaking our feelings, emotions, and decisions….leading us to live a life filled with hopelessness and despair.

There are 5 important truths to keep in mind when facing disappointments in life. Understanding these truths will change your mindset forever. So let’s take a brief look at them:

1. Disappointment is a weapon Satan uses to steal the dream and vision that God placed in your heart. His primary goal is to make us quit believing and expecting those God-inspired dreams and visions to actually come to pass. Remember how Joseph’s prophetic dreams caused his brothers to get so angry that they wanted to kill him? Why? Because Satan was using them to stop Joseph the dreamer from giving birth to those dreams.

Satan really isn’t after you directly. He wants to destroy the dream God gave you. He knows that when you begin to actually walk out your dreams, you will be extremely dangerous to him and his strategies to defeat you.

Joseph eventually was used by God to save His chosen people. If you remember that the disappointment you face isn’t directly against you, but against God’s destiny for you, it will give you greater determination to not give in or be controlled by disappointment. [James 1:1-3]

2. Disappointment gives you an opportunity to stand back and evaluate what you are disappointed about. Is it really from God? Many of us have godly ideas and thoughts of what we want to see happen in our lives, but not all godly dreams and visions are for us personally.

They may be wholesome and seem to have great potential to bring success in your life. But if they are not from God, (not engrafted into your spirit) they will cause you to waste valuable time. You will be constantly caught in the same cycles of disappointment over and over again for the same things. Allow the disappointment to give you the chance to take a second look to see if what you are hoping for is from God.

3. Experiencing failure in life doesn’t mean that the dream, vision or prophetic word is wrong. Many times it’s a sign that the strategy needs to be changed. Example: God spoke to me about taking back America, one city at a time. So I decided that Sarasota, which was about an hour and a half away from our church, would be the place to start.

After about six months I became disappointed because there wasn’t much fruit. The Lord told me my vision for America is correct, but my strategy was wrong. So I immediately stopped the work in Sarasota, followed God’s strategy and very quickly I experienced awesome fruitfulness.

I’ll continue speaking about strategy and the rest of the truths concerning disappointment next week. I believe that by understanding these truths, your life will change. Remember, not all disappointments are focused on God’s dream and vision in your life. Some are because we don’t have any direction from God, and some disappointments come because we are following our own lustful desires.

Proverbs 14:12 says, “There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.” You were created for God’s purposes…. not your own. Find out the “reason of your being”. When you do, disappointment will never win in your life again.

We love to hear from you! If this blog has been a blessing to you, please take a moment to comment and let us know.

Remaining stable in an unstable world

We live in volatile times. Things that were once icons, pillars and immovable structures are changing overnight. Long-entrenched governments topple in hours. Peace quickly turns into riots and war zones spontaneously erupt. Yet, today’s unstable times were prophesied thousands of years ago.

God speaks of a time (I believe we’re there now) when people will “call evil good and good evil”. At a time like this, people without deep convictions will change their values, standards and way of living like the wind. We inherit our beliefs from our parents which are then molded my popular culture and social norms. They are further affected by our intimacy (or lack thereof) with God.

Anchored in Truth

Giving in to the pressures of today’s worldliness will only lead to instability. Unstable people are not grounded in the truth of the Gospel because it hasn’t become the foundation of their lives. They don’t have the anchor of the word to give them a deeper conviction than the inferior and immoral beliefs they’re being bombarded with daily. They don’t realize that they lack a moral compass. As it says in Matthew 7:13b: “…wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it.” In other words, the majority opinion is most often wrong!

However, people with a biblical world view and strong faith in God are usually stable. They aren’t vulnerable to the changing morals of the world. Because their lifestyle is established on God’s word, they’re unfortunately branded as old-fashioned and out of touch with the times.

But Jesus says in Matthew 5:10&11: “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake.”

The majority opinion today is anti-God and that mindset has crept into the 21st century Christian church. We have developed a compromised gospel to appease the marginal Christian and make friends with the world.

Preachers won’t speak biblical truth for fear of offending the very people they’re called to liberate with God’s word. The fear of the Lord has been replaced with the fear of man, but God is looking for people like you and me to shout from the rooftops what He has revealed in our hearts.

Will the real church please stand up!

Will the true church (Christ-like people) please stand up and be heard? God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. Spiritual warfare is at its highest since the beginning of time because it’s Satan’s last stand. He is throwing whatever he has left at the church, but God is using this season to identify and hand-pick His remnant church to usher in the second coming of Jesus.

Please don’t give in. to the pressure that this upside-down world is throwing at you. keep standing! Ephesians 5:13 says: “Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.”

Ask yourself, “Am I stable in my convictions concerning God’s way of life for me? Or am I easily swayed by the immoral standards that are intellectually and logically presented to me, even by our government?” God is looking for stable people in an unstable world to build his kingdom. What will your choice be?…

Sprint to the finish line!

As I was fasting and praying, I heard The Lord say to me, “The finish line is near and you can see it.” I felt this great urgency rise up in me as though I needed to accomplish a task I’d been involved in for a while. Then I heard in my spirit “IT’S TIME TO SPRINT TO THE FINISH LINE!”

All of a sudden, I understood what God was trying to tell me (and every true Christian).

“Gaspar, you know what to do. Stop just dreaming about it, talking about it and trying to convince others to join you in doing it. I gave you My heart’s desire to live out and, now that the end is near, its time. It’s time to sprint to the finish line and accomplish what I called you to do.”

I understood that we all have a clear picture of what God placed in our heart to accomplish in our lifetime for His Glory.

Many of us have put dreams on the shelf to do something less important. Others are taking their sweet time in accomplishing what He made them for. Still others have given up on God’s dream for them, thinking it is too late or just plain impossible now. But some of you reading this hear that still, small inner voice reminding you of what God once said He wanted from your life. What God placed in you is still there and you can’t deny it’s pulling and tugging in your heart.

Lose the excuses

At the same time, God gave me the strong impression that we need to get rid of every excuse, distraction and reason why we can’t finish or even start. My heart was opened to the reality that the finish line is in full view. “What is the finish line?” you ask. In my vision, the finish line is the end of the church age, our way of life, as we know it now. But it’s the beginning of life, as God wants it.

The spirit of lawlessness has been on the face of the earth and is ever-increasing daily with unspeakable violence across the globe. As I write this, I am hearing about a new terrorist group taking over Iraq—one of an increasing number, even more violent and anti-American. To the spiritually minded, it’s obvious that the end is near.

Then, in my vision I heard God say He’s going to do a quick work. What would normally take years will happen in months. What would normally take months will happen in a day.

Don’t hold back

God said, “Sprint to the finish line and fulfill the very thing you were created for. It’s not the season to hold back, but bust loose and run at it.”

Our days are numbered, so leave nothing in reserve. Hold nothing back, saving it for another day, foolishly thinking we time. Live your dream, step out in faith, fulfill your call and don’t look back. Go for it with the finish line in view. SPRINT!

The saddest thing that could happen is to know what God wanted to do in and through you and to never accomplish it. Remember, whatever God asks will always be underwritten by heaven’s power. The only way to fail is by doing nothing.

Don’t just talk about doing it or continually make plans to do it. No! JUST DO IT. Make a run for it! The finish line is near and your reward awaits you. Some of you know what I’m talking about because you heard the same thing. So run the race!

If this week’s blog post has been a blessing to you, please let us know by commenting below!

There is Hope for the Holidays

For many, the holiday season isn’t a happy time. Families and friends make great efforts and sacrifice to gather together in celebration. However, the holidays can trigger memories of past hurts, personal failures, losses and broken relationships.

The rest of the time people can successfully stuff these memories, but this time of year, they come rushing back, bringing deep depression, loneliness and hopelessness.

We ponder the marriage that could have been; the joy we could have if our loved one hadn’t died; how much we could bless others if we hadn’t lost our job…. Some of us long to be with family that are lost to us because of wrong choices.

Research says that most suicides occur during the holiday season. The sad part is that many of us are too caught up in the frenzy of activity to notice all the hurting people around us.

They are our co-workers, students and friends. You may not be aware that you could be a great source of emotional and mental stability… and hope.

God created us to need each other. He tells us that in at least 14 “one another” scriptures that emphasize the need and responsibility we have for each other. Here are just a few: Love one another; be kind to one another; pray for one another; be hospitable to one another; forgive one another; honor one another; prefer one another.

As people of God, here are some things to do to not lose hope…. whichever side of the fence we’re on.

1. Take another look. Reach out to someone who fits a category I mentioned and invite them to spend this holiday season with you and your family. It may save a life. At the very least you will help them through the toughest times. Don’t take no for an answer, because they will likely resist you, embarrassed to admit their need.

2. Get rid of preconceived ideas. If you’re the one who is alone, hurting or depressed, take the initiative to reach out. Ask someone you are close to if you can spend time with them this holiday season. They may be too busy with their own lives to notice your need. I guarantee they’ll apologize for not being sensitive enough to have asked you in the first place. Let go of the preconception that people don’t want or care about you, when in fact they really do!

3. Don’t be narrow-minded. God is the source of your life and wants to meet your needs. Allow Him to do it the way He wants, not the way you think He should or with the people you think He should. God will use unlikely people to bless you (or people you never wanted Him to use). You could be missing God’s blessings by being narrow-minded. Take another look before you say no to one person in order to say yes to someone else.

This holiday season, let’s not lose our hope. Let’s connect as the people of God as commanded in John 13:34, 35: “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”

We love to hear from you! If this blog post has been a blessing to you, please take a moment to let us know by commenting below.

setback to step back

Don’t let your setback make you step back.

When it comes to our God-given dreams and visions, we all suffer setbacks from time to time. Remember that everything we do for God will be contested, challenged and resisted by the devil.

Too many of us get discouraged and give up when we hear a word from God, start to walk it out, but then face immediate frustration and failure. Sure it’s a setback, but it’s no reason for us to step back and give up on our God-inspired dream or promise.

Below I present some steps to prevent failure when pursuing God’s promises in your life.

1. Realize that you have an enemy.

But it’s really not Satan directly….it’s you. It’s the weaknesses of your own flesh (feelings and emotions). We must discipline ourselves to be influenced by God’s word rather than our circumstances. Second Corinthians 4:18 says, “While we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.” It takes daily discipline to die to our own ways, thoughts and feelings and stay focused on God’s promises.

2. Don’t assume the dream or vision was a lie.

If your strategy fails, it doesn’t mean that you’re a failure or the dream or vision isn’t from God.  Just change your strategy. The promises stay the same, but the strategies can change.

3. Understand that timing is everything.

When it comes to fulfilling God’s plans and purposes in your life, timing matters…a lot. Live on God’s time clock, not your own. Many people step back when things are not happening according to their time plan. They forget that Isaiah 55:8 says: “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD.

Just wait on the Lord and trust that He knows what He’s doing. He always brings His promises to pass. Second Corinthians 1:20 puts it this way: “For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.” Don’t quit on God….. He hasn’t quit on His Word that is in you.

4. Let God purify your motives.

Ask, “Why do I want this vision, dream or promise fulfilled in my life?” We can suffer setbacks because our hearts are still too filled with selfish motives. The advancement of God’s Kingdom should be our ultimate goal. I agree that we should prosper and enjoy divine favor—but not just for ourselves—for those we can influence in the present and future. God will put His dreams, visions and promises for us in a holding pattern because we have the wrong motives.

5. Forgive yourself if you stepped back.

God hasn’t changed His mind concerning His promises in your life. Don’t let discouragement turn into depression and stay in your life. You can always choose to once again embrace God’s dream, vision or promises.

Conclusion: No one is perfect, but God loves us and desires that we succeed in every way. So don’t give up or quit when you have a setback. Remember…setbacks are only permanent when you step back!

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