
Posts by Gaspar Anastasi

moody valley

How to Handle the Unexpected

Regularly, we face unexpected happenings that either make or break our day. But if you think about it, many unexpected things could have been avoided if we had taken God’s spiritual law of sowing and reaping seriously.

Galatians 6:7 says, “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.” What you sow today determines what you reap tomorrow.

Matthew 13:24-30 tells us that, while the farmer slept, an enemy sowed tares in his wheat field. The parable is meant to show that the tares were sown because he didn’t pay attention.

Your life is the sum total of all the words you’ve spoken.

Although this parable is in the context of an agricultural society, it’s also true for us. We’re “sleeping” if we don’t watch the seeds (words) we sow. Proverbs 18:20 says words produce fruit: “A man’s stomach shall be satisfied from the fruit of his mouth; from the produce of his lips he shall be filled.”

Your life right now is the sum total of all the words you’ve spoken about yourself and your destiny. Words from your heart and out of your mouth release life or death over your destiny, as it says in Proverbs 18:21: “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”

Seemingly unexpected events really aren’t, and can be avoided in the future by disciplining your tongue. Release today what you want to see happening in the future, because what you sow today, you’ll reap tomorrow.

Now what about the truly unexpected events in your life for which you aren’t responsible? Here are a few points to consider:

GOD IS SOVEREIGN Not every problem will be removed, but can be used for your good.

God’s desire isn’t to kill you or even let Satan do it. He’s in the character-building business, building the character of Christ in you. Trust His sovereignty because He loves you and ultimately controls your destiny. “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” (Rom. 8:28)

KNOW WHEN TO RESIST If what you’re going through is outside of the will (word) of God; if it’s contrary to His purposes for your life and has Satan’s fingerprints all over it, you MUST resist! If you’re not sure and fear you’ll miss God, trust the Holy Spirit to show you for sure in the Word.

“Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. “ (James 4:7)

TRUST IN GOD In the parable of the wheat and tares, the tares were allowed to grow until harvest season, when they would be separated and burned. Some unexpected things can’t be changed, like the death of a lost loved one or something important being taken away from you. In those cases we can only trust in God and let Him use it for our good. “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding…” (Proverbs 3:5)

THANK GOD IN ALL THINGS “In everything give thanks” (1 Thessalonians 5:18b). Notice it says to thank God IN everything, not FOR everything. GOD is there with you even in the unexpected, and if God is with you, no weapon formed against you will prosper!

Unexpected events will always occur. They’re part of life itself. But they don’t have to stop God’s destiny from being fulfilled if we handle the unexpected correctly.

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how to confront

How to Confront

Most people hate confrontation and will do anything to avoid it. When push comes to shove and they’re forced to confront, it is usually a negative experience. This leads to the ungodly belief that it’s better to just avoid conflict than to confront issues. But that is not true.

Unresolved conflict creates anger, which leads to bitterness. It ultimately poisons our marriages, friendships, church relationships, even employer/employee relations.

Words seasoned with God’s love become weapons that destroy Satan’s attempts to separate us.

Scripture strongly exhorts us to resolve conflict by confronting: “Moreover if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he hears you, you have gained your brother, (Matt. 18:15).” Biblical confrontation fosters healthier, more successful relationships. Here are a few steps I take to confront those who hurt me.

1. Have the right motives. Ask, What is my goal in confronting him/her? Is it to show that I’m right and they’re wrong? Is it to hurt them like they hurt me? Is it to control, intimidate, humiliate and dominate them? Your goal must be bigger than your personal differences.You should seek to love and honor him or her because they are as valuable and precious to God as you are. Seek to save your relationship and identify stumbling blocks in the way. The right motive will determine your success. Let the Holy Spirit cleanse you of selfish or faulty motives beforehand.

2. Own the problem. Since reconciliation is the goal, try to become the solution to the conflict. What can you do differently to help the other person react the same way? Even if that person’s actions were absolutely wrong, find a way to help them overcome their bad reactions. Listening to them, acknowledging their feelings and correcting their misperception of your intentions will go a long way toward resolving the conflict. Empathize with them and avoid being defensive or assigning blame.

Now here is the biggest part of owning the problem: Ask forgiveness for your part of the disagreement. This opens the door for the other person to acknowledge his/her wrong as well and reciprocate by asking your forgiveness.

3. Speak words of reconciliation. Make sure your words aren’t condemning, blaming, ridiculing or belittling, but healing. That disarms Satan, who was at the root of the conflict from the beginning. That person isn’t your enemy. See the real culprit and you’re well on your way to resolution. Words seasoned with God’s love become weapons that destroy Satan’s attempts to separate us. Guard your mouth.

4. Be a good listener. Listening attentively tells the other person you care. Let them tell their part of the story without interruption. Then ask him or her to listen to you.

Without the Holy Spirit’s guidance you won’t accomplish the right results. We need His presence to resolve any conflict. Before initiating the confrontation, ask the Holy Spirit to empower you to defeat Satan and give you His strategy to resolve the conflict. Don’t leave barriers between you and the people God has put in your life. Through confronting, unity is restored and releases God’s glory!

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Discovering Your Destiny

Every person and every people group has a destiny. God created us with a destiny individually, but as we connect with one another, we become a “people group” such as a family, business, city, nation or church. God brings together like-minded people. He takes the different aspects of our individual calling and, out of it, He forms a group destiny.

As we identify our personal destiny, we help to advance the call of the “people group” known as the local church. This, in turn, affects our local community, city, state, nation and even the world. The sky’s the limit concerning God’s ability to work in and through us. But unity is the key.

In the days of Babel, God was attracted by the unity of men with evil hearts. So He came down to see what they were doing. “And the LORD said, “Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them,” (Genesis 11:6).

When you identify your passion, you identify your destiny.

We will never truly be part of a group until we discover what our individual destiny is. You and I are one small part of the whole, but it’s an important part. Like our body, each cell structure is individual and distinct, but must connect with other cell structures to form a healthy, functioning body. The cells need to work together with others to frame a bigger picture.

If we don’t understand our individual call, we will slow down the process of unity. When we are united, God can use us to accomplish great and amazing things, even if we are small in number. (One chases a thousand and two will put ten thousand to flight!)

It will take quality time to think about our lives and discern what God’s plan is for us. But it’s worth it to discover His plan and connect to the local church to become effective members of the body of Christ.

  1. Look at the things you are very passionate about (and not just emotionally). I mean things you’re willing to lay down your life for! That passion goes deep inside and really makes up who you are. The Holy Spirit will help identify those things, but give Him time.
  2. You might be passionate about several things, so find the one you are the most passionate about. It doesn’t mean you’re not effective in other areas or God doesn’t use you other places, but the other passions will support your one major passion.

When you identify your passion, you identify your destiny. Now you need to connect with a local church that cares for your destiny. The right church will have a purpose and vision that clearly indicates its future. You will know how you fit, where you fit and how to take part in the church destiny.

The local church is only as strong as the individual person but, when we are united, our power and influence increases, affecting everything around us. Through the local church, the body of Christ can fulfill God’s heart here on earth. Remember, He is the Head, we are the body, we have a group destiny, and He has placed all things under our feet! Discover your destiny!

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Family First

Family First (what I also call “Fighting for the Family”) was a conference we recently held here in the church.  I believe that this topic is so important. It is vital to recognize that the very fiber of the structure of America and even civilization itself is based upon the family unit. Since the beginning of time, mankind has built society and every culture on the principles of one husband, one wife and the children. In other words…. The family.

Matthew 18:19&20, “Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” 

As you can see from these verses, the Christian family fits the description of the “two or three.” That means that they have a built-in ability to have the power of God flowing in their midst. God manifests Himself in the midst of the family. God is pro-family! 

Unfortunately, throughout history and especially in this hour, we see the family constantly attacked and decimated. We need to understand that Satan’s number one target is the family. He starts with the wife and the husband by trying to create division between them. If he can keep the parents fighting, the children are put in a vulnerable position. And if he can take out one or both of the parents, the children are left with an “orphan spirit.” 

We have a lot of adults today that deal with an orphan spirit because their mother and father were never really in their life fulfilling their parent role. They didn’t get the nurture, love, discipline and acceptance that they needed. 

Let’s fight for the family today; not just only for our own. Let’s fight for the families that are within the sphere of our influence. How do we do that? 

Number one: We need to truly recognize in our heart that families are important to God.  

Number two: We should always look for opportunities to encourage husbands and wives to stay in their covenant relationships. If they are struggling with physical, emotional or spiritual issues, let’s offer help to ease their burdens. We need to pray for them. 

Number 3- We must reach out to children, the forgotten generation. Remember that Jesus always had children always around Him. 

Mark 10:13-16, “Then they brought little children to Him, that He might touch them; but the disciples rebuked those who brought them. But when Jesus saw it, He was greatly displeased and said to them, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.” And He took them up in His arms, laid His hands on them, and blessed them.  He said “suffer not the little children come to me for such is the kingdom of heaven.”

Mark 9:24, “But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea.”

I think these verses say it all! Jesus wants us to care for, love and reach out to children. It is against God’s heart to say things like “children should be seen and not heard.” Our attitude has to change, our way of life has to change and the way we do church has to change. Children and families need to be the center of our attention and our focus.

Let’s fight for the family today. Let’s put it first in our hearts. Let’s put it first in our Christian life. Let’s put it first in our warfare. Let’s take back America by once again taking our families back for Jesus.…

angry couple

Hurt People Hurt People.

The greatest cause of divorce, church splits, family break ups and every kind of broken relationship is “hurt people”. What do I mean by hurt people? People with damaged emotions. They have been affected by family issues passed down by their ancestors; by hurtful things they experienced in childhood; and by their own wrong choices. I know that it’s impossible to go through life without some kind pain and suffering, but some people have had more than their share. These are the ones I classify as “hurt people”.

Hurt people are like time bombs waiting to implode or explode at the first sign of rejection.

Hurt people have certain traits in common such as: deep roots of rejection, low self-esteem, inferiority complexes, perfectionism, self-condemnation and a critical and judgmental spirit, to name a few. These ingredients are a recipe for troubled and broken relationships because the individual has an over-emphasized, magnified, self-centered awareness. An easily offended spirit dominates them.

It’s unintentional.

“Hurt people” hurt people, but not on purpose. The pain they suffer is beyond natural understanding and, because they are often misunderstood, they suffer rejection, adding to the pain they already carry. They look okay on the outside, so you can’t tell how deeply wounded they truly are. It’s like the old saying “you can’t judge a book by its cover”, but when you start reading a few chapters you can size up the whole book pretty quickly.

Hurt people are like time bombs waiting to implode or explode at the first sign of rejection and, if two hurt people are in a relationship together, it’s truly a formula for disaster! It’s just a matter of time until they’re at odds with each other and they’ll eventually separate. Or even worse, they may actually physically hurt/murder each other.

Both people are victims of their own hurts. So there are no winners… just losers. The wounds increase and the cycle just continues. Are you a hurt person?

Here are some identifying signs:

1. You have many broken relationships.

2. You control/manipulate your friends.

3. You’re critical and judgmental of people you are no longer in relationship with or who disagree with you.

4. The people you hang with think like you, so gossip is the foundation of the friendship.

5. Your friendships dwindle and your isolation grows. 

Remember, many people carry deep wounds, so you are not alone. It wasn’t your choice to be hurt, but you can choose to get healed. To fix anything you need to first admit that it’s broken.

Here are some suggestions:

1. For a season, avoid intimate, personal relationships and just work on allowing God to heal you. God is a great physician who can go where no knife can go.

2. Ask God to heal you from the inside out. He’s waiting for you to ask. Without faith you can’t receive everything God has already supplied for you.

3. Make staying in God’s presence a priority. Read His word. Pray in the Spirit. Become a worshipper. 

4. Finally, get prayer from the Healing Streams ministry. God wants you to stop being hurt and become healed!

How to Have More Good Days

Every one of us could testify that we have both good days and bad days and, unfortunately, most would say they have more bad ones than good ones. What determines whether our days are good or bad is what I call “core habits”.

Core habits can be good or they can be very destructive. Although we have both in our lives, they often go unidentified. We just go through our day without paying too much attention to our core daily habits, because we are too consumed with regretting yesterday and how we can change our tomorrow. We forget that in order to change the big picture (our destiny), we have to first change the small picture (today).

Remember satan, your enemy, wants you to be consumed with the urgent… not the important.

We all have good days and bad days, but ask yourself this question: What makes good days good and what makes bad days bad? Make a list of both on a piece of paper. Remember that the Bible says in Psalm 37:23, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD, And He delights in his way.” By taking one step at a time, we get closer and closer to the fulfillment of our destiny.

Let me share with you some things that would make a good day for me. Maybe they’ll work for you as well:

  • Getting seven hours of sleep
  • Spending one hour in prayer, meditation and reading God’s word
  • Eating a healthy diet
  • Drinking one gallon of water
  • Exercising for one hour

It’s so important to write down the things that help you to have a good day. They become your daily strategy and will radically change your destiny. Now, if you look at your list and see that you are far from accomplishing it on a regular basis, add just one new core habit to your day instead of three or four.

I would say that if you implemented that one core habit 80% of the time for a month, you could consider yourself successful. You can then add another core habit, repeating the process until you have implemented all the core habits that make for a good day!

This strategy will help you to have good days most of the time, rather than just having a hit and miss experience. By reviewing your daily core habits and replacing the bad ones with just three or four good ones—one at a time—you could change your whole life around. Isn’t it worth the effort?

Again, if you just take the time today to review what makes a good day, you will begin the process of increasing the good days in your life and you also will be reaching your destiny. Remember satan, your enemy, wants you to be consumed with the urgent… not the important. Stop having bad days and start having good ones! It’s all in your power.

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