
Posts by Gaspar Anastasi

Living Vertical

Too often, our perspective on life is horizontal. What I mean is: We’re people-focused, not God-focused. You and I work very hard to please the people in our lives. We want to earn their approval for various reasons, and some of those reasons are good. Sometimes we’re motivated by a real love and compassion for our fellow human beings.

We want to benefit them and protect them from a destiny of destruction. Of course, some reasons may be more selfish, like wanting to get a promotion or a raise on the job; or desiring something they have.

Both kinds of desires represent a “horizontal lifestyle”. The focus is on us and other people, instead of God (a vertical lifestyle).

Vertical is more durable

Both lifestyles are necessary, but the horizontal should flow naturally out of the vertical. They should not be two separate lifestyles. When our lives are vertical, (focused on knowing and loving God) the natural by-product is caring for others with a pure heart. Faulty motives should have no place.

Even as Christians, we live mostly horizontal. Yes, we share the gospel with more people today than before, but what we’re presenting isn’t life-changing. We’re reproducing ourselves instead of reproducing Jesus!

We are called to re-present Jesus here on earth, but that’s only possible if we are filled with Him. God can’t work through us what He hasn’t first worked in us. If your life isn’t vertical enough, you can only give others what’s inside of you (which quickly runs out).

Keys to vertical living

How can we turn this around, be more vertical than horizontal? Here are some very practical, life-changing steps.

  1. Pray at least once a day, asking God to give you a pure heart and right motives. (Matthew 5:8). That prayer lines up with God’s will for you and He will answer it.
  2. Make it a priority to worship the Lord three times a day. Just two or three minutes several times a day releases your love and adoration for God. It strengthens your spirit-man. As your spirit goes, so goes your whole life!
  3. Remind yourself daily how God has delivered you and where He has taken you. Bringing back to your conscious mind how God’s miracles have changed your life and destiny will make you immensely more vertical-minded almost immediately. I’m sure that, like me, Jesus has delivered you many times since He came into your life as your Lord and Savior. Bring to mind your latest life-changing breakthrough.
  4. Now share that testimony with one person every day. Make it a habit to share God’s glory with someone each day.
  5. Refuse to get offended! When someone hurts you, and they will, choose to deal with it immediately. Don’t stuff it down in your heart.

These few steps will keep you vertical, not just horizontal. I assure you that when you live a vertical lifestyle, your horizontal life will be very successful as well!…

pier over frozen lake

We have never been this way before.

Joshua 3:3-5, “and they commanded the people, saying, “When you see the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God, and the priests, the Levites, bearing it, then you shall set out from your place and go after it.Yet there shall be a space between you and it, about two thousand cubits by measure. Do not come near it that you may know the way by which you must go, for you have not passed this way before.”And Joshua said to the people, “Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do wonders among you.”

Joshua first spoke the words, “We have never been this way before” to the children of Israel. But I believe it is also a prophetic word from the Lord for us today.

A whole new era

I am sure you would agree with me that we have never experienced the things we are going through today. It’s obvious that we can no longer rely on what has been familiar to us or what happened before. Or even the way that God did things in the past. This is a whole new season for all of us!

That is exactly how the children of Israel must have felt as they were about to cross over into the Promised Land. But God didn’t leave them on their own. He gave them a strategy in Joshua 3:3. He told them to look for the ark and follow it.

Keep sight of His presence

Good news! God wants us to cross over too, and He is giving us the same strategy. Just as Israel had to focus on the ark, we must keep our eyes on the presence of God.

As we focus on God, we truly get to know Him, hear His voice and go after His voice. We’ll be willing to get out of our comfort zone and follow the plan He has given to usHe wants us to rely on Him, depend on Him and trust Him with all of our hearts.

The Lord told the priests and the people to cross over the Jordan River, which to us may not seem like an unusual command.  But to them it didn’t make any sense. For much of the year, the Jordan River is shallow and only 40 feet wide. However, at that particular time of year, the river could have been a mile wide and maybe 30 or 40 feet deep.

Don’t get off the High way

God will sometimes move in seasons and in ways that we just don’t understand.  If we could write the script, we would never do it this way. But the Bible says that God’s ways are not our ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts (Isaiah 55:8, 9).

Because we have never been this way before and can’t rely on our past experiences, we must depend on the divine wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit. He will always lead us into a place of greater trust like He told the prophet Isaiah. “Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, ‘This is the way, walk in it,’ Whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left” (Isaiah 30:21).

Be willing to cross over!

As we are obedient to God’s voice and keep our eyes on Him, He will take us safely to the other side. There is a promised land out there. And although we face unfamiliar territory, it’s an exciting time for all of us who are living for God!

Let’s be willing to cross over! Don’t be like those who stay on this side of the Jordan. Don’t just talk about and praise God for the promises, but never enter into the promises.

Determine to cross over and receive the great blessing and abundance God has for you. Trust Him. You have never been this way before!…

Know what's in your heart

Know what’s in your heart

According to God, what matters most isn’t our outward appearance, but the condition of our heart. So I ask…what’s in your heart? What spills out for all to see every time life puts the squeeze on you and you find yourself in a crisis? That reveals what’s truly in your heart.

It’s easy to do and say the right things when life is going our way. But when circumstances are pressurized and chaotic, our reaction tends to paint a more accurate picture of who we really are! There is an old saying, “What’s down in the well comes up in the bucket.” On the outside we may all look the same, saying and doing the right things …at the right time… to the right people. But what’s really inside?

Our prayer should be like David’s as he cried out to God in Psalm 139:23 and 24: “Search me, O God, and know my heart. Try me, and know my anxieties; and see if there be any wicked way in me. And lead me in the way everlasting.”

Be in the know

Knowing your own heart’s condition is critical to fulfilling the destiny God created you for. But, a lot of people are afraid to have God reveal their true heart condition.

They’re afraid because seeing the truth about their heart forces them to face the truth about themselves. They are afraid because they might not like themselves. They fear that the negative things people have been saying just might be true. Our self-esteem is so fragile that, for many of us, if we’re shaken or challenged in any way, we go into a tailspin of failure and a state of deep depression and hopelessness.

Yet, every day, because of God’s faithfulness and love, He reveals our hearts to us. Jesus said in Matthew 12:34, “Out of the abundance of heart the mouth speaks.” A good way to see what’s in your heart is to pay attention to how you speak to others.

Do you respond to difficult people in anger or with patience and love? Do ugly words of revenge spew out of your mouth to people who have hurt you? Do you respond to sudden changes with unwise decisions and harsh judgments? Or do you rest in the promises God gave you?

Why know your heart?

Knowing your heart is imperative and will help you to:
1. Know your real motives behind what you do and say. It gives you an opportunity to align your heart with God’s.
2. Recognize the many hurts deep in your life and understand your need for inner healing. It will help you to stop blame-shifting and to take responsibility for your own actions.
3. Know your own giftedness and be content and confident in the person God blessed you to be.
4. Get out of denial concerning your sins and repent. Ask and receive forgiveness and truly be set free from Satan’s torment.

God revealing your heart is be the best thing that can happen to you! So don’t be surprised if some crisis or pressure comes into your life and puts the squeeze on you today. God wants to reveal your heart so change can take place in you. His love for you is so awesome that He will take the time to help you know your heart today and every day. As your heart goes, so goes your life! What’s in your heart?

We love to hear from you! If this blog has been a blessing to you, please comment below.

You can have the life you demand!

Every one of us, over the course of our lives has been dealt a bad hand. When it happens we wonder, “What did I do to deserve this?” Finally, we conclude: “Life ain’t fair!”

However, that fact doesn’t disqualify you from the abundance of great blessings that God has promised you. I used to think that the Bible was just a good story and that God wouldn’t fulfill His promises to me until I got to heaven!

It’s true that life doesn’t give you what you deserve, but it WILL give you what you demand. Let me explain.

Since God created everything by His spoken word, (and Jesus IS the Word) everything in creation MUST submit to the authority of its Creator. God said, “Let there be”…and it was so!

His way of doing things hasn’t changed because He never changes: “For I am the LORD, I do not change (Malachi 3:6a,).” “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8).” “The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever (Isaiah 40:8).”

Now you can pass your existence blaming other people and complaining about how unfair life is. Or you can take responsibility for the outcome.

If you want to see the Bible come alive, refuse to be a victim! When you own God’s promises and command your circumstances to bow to the Living Word of God, they must yield to the Creator and His word. Here are some keys:

1. Own God’s promises. He wasn’t teasing when He said, “I will supply all of your needs according to My riches in glory.” He loves it when you hold Him to His word. It proves you believe Him.

2. Don’t quit. Too many believers stop short of the manifestation of those promises because they lack patience. “God’s promises are always “yea and amen” and they will come to pass because God is not a liar. His word will prosper wherever He sends it!

3. Go to war. Satan will resist you. So, aggressively submit to God (His word) and resist the devil. The devil is just testing to see if you really believe God’s promises. Praise God in the “night” because joy comes in the morning.

4. Be passionate. You may start out zealously standing on God’s promises, but it’s easy to get distracted and lose focus. Jesus said in Matthew 24:13, “But he who endures to the end shall be saved.”

And this isn’t just about you. Be selfless in your walk with God so your victories will overflow to others. They will learn from your life. Keep the fire burning in your heart by being a true worshipper of God.

Truly, life won’t give you what you deserve, but it will give you what you demand. Demand God’s promises! Boldly stand on the firm foundation of His Word and refuse to be moved by the circumstances. Start living the abundant life. It’s already bought and paid for by the precious blood of His Son!…

Woman writing journal

How do you want to be remembered?

Every day, you and I are writing the story of our lives. The chapter you pen right now is being read by the people around you. But the full story will be published and perused by many others long after you are gone.

I have good news! You can know and even write the ending before it happens. “How is that possible?” you ask. Below are some ways we can do just that.

Write the ending you want

 1.) Learn to say “no” to the good, so you can say “yes” to the best! Each decision you make has short term results, but it also shapes your future. Your today is the result of all the decisions you’ve made up to this point. Your tomorrow is the sum of the decisions you make today. So, here’s a word of advice: Never make permanent decisions based on temporary circumstances. You must manage the fruit of that decision for the rest of your life.

2.) Don’t accept the agenda that someone else mapped out for you. Live your life the way God created you to. You never want to be a cheap copy of a great original! Ephesians 2:10 puts it this way: For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

By reading God’s word and listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit, you can find out for what purpose God created you . Choose to walk in His ways no matter how much pressure people place on you to conform to their ways. Remember, you’re writing your own history—not theirs.

Our time is the greatest resource God has given us, and the Bible warns us to protect it. “See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil, (Ephesians 5:15-16).”

3.) Every day, manage your thoughts so that you can manage your life. Like actual decisions, your thoughts greatly influence your destiny. In fact, nothing else affects your decisions like right or wrong thinking. So allow Jesus to be Lord over your every thought. After all, a good idea doesn’t always mean it’s a God idea. Don’t jump to conclusions until you are certain your idea leads to the ending you desire. Avoid negative thinking because once your mind is tattooed with negative thinking, your chance for long term success is diminished.

4.) As you change your thinking, start to immediately change your behavior. Take action and begin to act the part of the person you want to become. The problem is that people want to “feel” instead of taking action. That never works. The faith walk is not the same as the feeling walk! James 2:20 says, But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead?  The world says, “If it feels good, do it.” God’s word says, “Do it, whether it feels good or not.”

5.) Stay focused on the end. Don’t allow the spirit of offense to distract you and take you off track. So many people have their wheels stuck in the mud of offense and they aren’t advancing to their original goals. Remember, planning your end is a daily thing, so consistency is non-negotiable. To be remembered the way God intended you to be depends on the consistency of your daily routine. Success is not a “destination thing”. It’s a “daily thing”. Don’t let Satan take you off track through offense.

Remember: The person you are tomorrow, you are becoming today. Live every day of your life wisely. Our time is the greatest resource God has given us, and the Bible warns us to protect it. “See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil, (Ephesians 5:15-16).”

Plan your tomorrows today and be assured that your ending will be what God (and you) want it to be!…

Two people talking

How to be a person of influence

“People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” I believe that this saying is very true.

We become frustrated when the people who are important to us don’t listen to or receive instruction from us. For a parent, it can be our children; for a teacher, our students; for a businessperson, our employees or colleagues. The bottom line is that people won’t take our advice if they don’t feel genuinely loved or cared for by us.

To be our most effective, we must first earn the right to speak into a person’s life.

Think about it. How do you react when people correct you? You may walk away feeling belittled. You may think: “He/she just wants to show how much smarter they are than me.” You may sense that they’re looking down on you, judging or trying to control you. If that is your perception, you probably won’t take to heart what they say.

In all fairness, the other person may really care and want to help, but because of some emotional disconnect, you end up shutting out their words from the very beginning.

Since the people in our lives will listen to us only if they know we genuinely care, here are…

Some simple ways to show caring:

1. Listen.

Before pouring out your wealth of wisdom or advice, ask him or her how things are going in their life or situation. Find out what’s on their heart and what they are going through. To be effective, we must earn the right to speak into a person’s life.

2. Become a good listener.

Don’t just stop at listening. Become a good listener. Make eye contact, responding with caring facial expressions and then well-chosen words. Your body language reflects your concern for their well-being. In fact, your body language often speaks louder than your words. And if the two contradict each other, the other person will pick up on that too.

3. Avoid Distractions.

Avoid distractions like texting, answering the phone or doodling during your time together. Such things send a wrong message, causing the other person to shut down before you even start. In fact, turn your phone off and put it out of sight. Send a message that you’re unavailable to all but him or her. Avoid sitting next to a window that looks on a busy area, so that the two of you can stay focused on your discussion.

4. Don’t rush.

Put aside enough time to truly hear their heart and to speak what’s on yours. Being a good listener takes time. However, be truthful about how much time you have available. You can always agree to another meeting to show that you really care and are willing to see their issue through to its conclusion.

It takes time, energy and commitment to genuinely care for someone, whether it’s a child, a spouse or a friend. What matters most is that we really care about one another. And this matters most to God! “Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other… (Ephesians 4:32).” Once people know you care, they will also care enough to heed what you know.…

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