The Perfect Dad
This weekend, the world celebrates fathers. But I want to draw your attention to a Dad we seldom connect with Father’s Day. Yet, He’s the world’s only perfect Dad. He is the role model for all fathers.
Our God is the kind of Father Who will never turn His back on you, no matter what you do or don’t do. He’s the kind of Dad who longs to be loved, adored and cherished. He’s the kind of Father that, regardless of the time of day or night, yearns to hear your heart beat.
God is the kind of Father that, when everybody else has turned you off, waits patiently with open arms and an open heart for you to come to Him — knowing He was your last choice.
He’s a Father into whose lap you can crawl and on whose chest you can lay your head, knowing that His strong, always-willing arms will hold you tight. And with a voice full of strength and compassion He’ll comfort you with: “Everything will be alright.”
He’s the kind of Father that, not only gives sound advice and direction for your life, but much needed correction and gentle, but sure, instruction.
He’s the kind of Father that always has some special little gift for you. He delights in letting you go through His pockets to find that treat He has stored there just for you.
He’s a Father that you can’t help but love and respect as Father; but Whom you can also reach your arms out to and adore as Daddy.
Wow, that almost seems too good to be true! Yet, our God who created each of us, has made Himself to be all those things I just described.
Yes, God is a Father who would never reject His children. Yet He weeps over His many children who have rejected Him.
From the beginning, God has desperately wanted that kind of close Father/child relationship with us, His creation. But beginning with Adam and Eve, we have chosen the fatherhood of a lesser god called satan.
Instead of being lavished with love, compassion and blessings, we’ve been abused, molested and rejected. Satan steals from his own kids and denies them love because he has none to give.
Still others are spiritual orphans. That describes many Christians. They have rejected satan, accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior, but haven’t allowed His Father to be theirs.
God promises in II Corinthians 6:17-18: “… come out from among unbelievers, and separate yourselves from them, says the Lord. Don’t touch their filthy things, and I will welcome you. And I will be your Father, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.”
Turn your whole heart over to God right now and stop dabbling in sin. Our loving Father has a place on His lap reserved just for you.
He longs for your love. Don’t let anything delay your entering the warm embrace of your loving Father God today.