diver and shark

What’s Wrong With This Picture?

One day I was given a picture of a living room and asked to identify what was wrong with it....

bible and boots

Don’t just believe…Act!

Most Christians know that the will of God is His word and that His word is His will. But we’re...

man with fireworks

Declare your independence

The greatest battle ever fought on the face of the earth was waged—not for the freedom of any one nation...

dense forest

It’s not what it looks like

We live in a two dimensional world. The two dimensions I am referring to are the spirit realm and the...

Car on a winding road

You must go back to go forward.

Our past influences us in one way or another: How we were raised, our parents’ weaknesses and strengths, the culture...

Bowl of freshly picked oranges

The secret to fulfilling your destiny

If you put an orange tree in a pot, bring it up to New York and keep it in a...

healthy breakfast

Forgiveness: The breakfast of champions

When we decide to live healthy, the first thing we examine is our eating habits. And, naturally, we start with...

do not fear

Faith or fear: you choose

Whether or not you realize it, every day you choose Fear or you choose Faith. You either decide to believe...

Get out of that pit

Get out of that pit!

Pits. Sometimes you fall into one. Sometimes you’re pushed in by others. Sometimes you just plain old jump in! Regardless...

Become known by God.

There is only one thing more important in life than knowing God, and that is God knowing you. Matthew 7:21-23...

man on boat

Let go of destiny killers

Who are you connected to emotionally, spiritually and physically? Some of these people may be in your life by choice...

Overcoming mountains

Overcoming the mountains in your life

Do the problems you face seem bigger than life…even bigger than God Himself? Well, I am here to tell you...


The key to our nation’s greatness

The key to our nation’s greatness has been and always will be the strength and health of the family! I...

Time to put your foot on it

If you think about it, you have probably experienced things through the years that actually reveal a pattern. Not only...

no victory without a battle

There’s no victory without a battle.

Who doesn’t like to be comfortable? Nobody. While most of us believe God will comfort us, the question is “How?”...

birds from barbed wire

Believing is seen.

A paralyzed man had four friends who carried him on a mattress and let him down through the roof of...

Refuting the 3 BIG LIES

LIE #1: I am what I do.  Every day, our culture fosters the belief that our value is based on...

woman looking at empty shelves

The missing ingredient

The brain trust of Fortune 500 companies once did research to discover the reason behind the success of their top...

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