smiling couple at window

Hope in the face of failure

First, a setback is not a failure I developed a saying over the years that you’ll hear me use often:...

holding hands

You, me and Him—pt. 2

To recap last week’s blog post: Having devotions as a couple is very important. I’m convinced that Adam and Eve...

couples devotions

You, me and Him—pt. 1

Marriage is beautiful. Marriage is difficult. Marriage is wonderful. Marriage is hard work. Even the Apostle Paul told us “there’s...

Couple kissing

If you work it—it will work

As you’ve heard me say before, a good marriage takes hard work. What you put into it is what you...

couple at computer

Kick off a successful partnership

In my last blog post, I (Michele) shared all the benefits of having a regular date night and how much...

couple on glider

It takes courage.

Marriage isn’t for the faint of heart. It requires two people to become one, and that takes a lot of...

little girl with bubbles

Too many attractive distractions?

One of the topics we’re discussing in our Sacred Marriage class this session is “marriage disciplines” or “marriage priorities” that will help strengthen and grow your relationship. One of those priorities is having a regular date night. 

sinking house

How to outlast storms and still stand

There is one key that—not only holds marriages together, but—brings them into the fullness of God’s glory. That one key...

holding hands

Power comes in pairs!

Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. If either of them falls down,...

husband lifting wife

It’s not what it looks like

A great marriage takes a lot of work. Too many people give up when the going gets tough. And by...

couple in silhouette

Married to a stranger?

We’re often asked "What is the key to a happy marriage?" There are many, but if we had to choose one, it would be good communication.

loving couple

Priority number two

Marriage should be the second highest priority in our lives as Christians. “What is my first priority?” you ask. That’s...

couple standing close

Who says it’s over?

After a few years of marriage, Gaspar and I were ready to call it quits! We went to a counselor...

couple holding each other

Unprecedented times, extraordinary opportunities

We are living in unprecedented times. Things we once took for granted are no longer the same. Covid-19 has changed...

married couple smiling

Understanding God’s plan for you

I had to laugh when a good friend read last week’s blog about Gaspar and me making a Vision Board....

couple on railroad tracks

Why your marriage needs a vision

Many married couples never actually grow in oneness. Nor do they experience the true joy in marriage God intended. Why?...

couple in airport

Drama in the airport

The rude couple A couple of weeks ago we were in the airport waiting for a flight. I can’t help...

Life wins coaching

Your marriage wins with a good coach!

We recently added Marriage Coaching to the services we offer at our Breaking Free Living Well Counseling Center. When I...

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