Couple with Bible praying

First things first

Twice a year, Michele and I teach a 10-week Sacred Marriage course with 10 to 15 couples. Our goal is...

Couple walking on beach

Power comes in pairs

Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. If either of them falls down,...

2 babies hugging

We not me

When we marry, we all must adjust our thinking from “me” to “we”. In the past, our decisions centered on...

husband lifting wife

It’s not what it looks like

A great marriage takes a lot of work. Too many people give up when the going gets tough. And by...

Couple in bed with cell phones

Married to a stranger?

We’re often asked “What is the key to a happy marriage?” There are many, but if we had to choose...

wrecked home and teddy bear

A season of repositioning

When Hurricane Ian hit Southwest Florida on September 30, 2022, it became the costliest and one of the deadliest in...

Loving couple

Priority number two

Marriage should be the second highest priority in our lives as Christians. “What is my first priority?” you ask. That’s...

Couple in black and white

Who says it’s over?

After a few years of marriage, Gaspar and I were ready to call it quits! We went to a counselor...

house fallen into water

How to outlast storms and still stand

There is one key that—not only holds marriages together, but—brings them into the fullness of God’s glory. That one key...

Husband and wife spending quiet time

Rejecting rejection: pt 2

Last week in Part 1, I told my story of rejection. If you didn’t already, read it here. God is...

Rejecting rejection: My story

Rejection is one of the most painful wounds you could ever receive.  Not only does it damage your self-image and...

Eagle soaring

How to be unoffendable

In marriage, it’s easy to get offended practically every day, maybe several times a day. Even though we usually shake...

Woman fighting wind

Why the storm won’t win

Are you in a difficult place in your marriage? Don’t think that you’re alone. Every marriage goes through hard, dry...

Man being pushed off cliff

Marriage pushes you into your destiny

I am a better pastor because of my marriage. As discussed in past blogs, we tend to marry our opposite....

Couple cleaning house

More fluent in love

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about Dr. Gary Chapman’s book “The Five Love Languages”. Since then, a number...

couple paddling in a kayak

Get on the same team

The enemy’s job is to divide and conquer, and he is pretty good at it. As married couples, it is...

Angry couple

Become fluent in love

Twenty years ago, Dr. Gary Chapman wrote his bestseller “The Five Love Languages”. We read it back then and, over...

Woman on beach looking ahead

Don’t look back

Every day that God blesses you to be married is a gift. But if you are always looking back on...

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