
Unlock God’s blessings every day

If you’re like me, at times you’ve wondered why you haven’t seen more of God’s blessings manifested in your everyday life. Things like healing, peace of heart, freedom from bad memories and even financial blessings seem illusive.

I want to share a key I’ve discovered that is guaranteed to unlock these blessings— starting today. The word of God tells us, His children, that we have been given the keys to lock or unlock blessing from heaven’s storeroom (Matthew 18:18). You may have locked away your own blessings.

God desires that we release His blessings from His heavenly treasure chests. In spite of what our religious upbringing taught us, we are not waiting for God to release the blessing we so desperately need. He said in Ephesians 1:3 that He has already given us every blessing we need.

So how do we unlock these stored up blessings? Just having the keys is not enough. We must know how to use them to unlock heaven’s treasures.

The Bible describes a few keys, but I want to share the one I call the “master key” and give you steps on its correct use. Without this key, God’s treasure chest will stay locked. The master key to unlock every door holding God’s blessings is the KEY OF FORGIVENESS!

The master key to unlock every door holding God’s blessings is the KEY OF FORGIVENESS!

Use this key and your life will lack nothing. Here is how you start:

Step #1. Determine to forgive others or yourself according to God’s will. The forgiveness that flows out of your life shows the world around you who God really is—a forgiving God.

Remind yourself that God forgave all your sins 2,000 years ago, long before you even existed! In Matthew 6:9-15, God says forgiveness unlocks heaven’s windows so He can pour out His blessings.

Step #2. Turn the key by getting rid of any offense. The moment someone offends you, make sure you’re already in the forgiveness mode. Don’t wait for them to ask forgiveness. Instead, release forgiveness by freeing them from the offense.

Matthew 5:23 and 24 says, when you’re worshipping God, if you remember that someone has something against you, don’t wait for them to make it right. Stop what you’re doing, go and make it right with them first. Notice how different that is than what today’s culture says, which is to wait until they come to you.

Step #3. Turn the key all the way. Search your heart for any past un-forgiveness towards anyone who hurt or disappointed you, or even towards yourself. Confess that holding unforgiveness is a sin. We often overlook this sin because it is so acceptable in the body of Christ. We tend to look at the outward, fleshly sins instead of the inward spiritual sins like resentment.

This master key unlocks the blessings God already purchased for you. By failing to forgive, you keep God’s blessings from being released in your life. Your unforgiveness even hinders other people from forgiving you! Have you been wondering why people stay mad at you? It could be because the heavens are locked up.

Unforgiveness also locks up:

  • God’s divine favor that opens doors of success.
  • God’s wisdom to help you wisely steward the blessings you do have.
  • Healing from sickness like arthritis, cancer, depression, mental illness, etc.
  • Unforgiveness also blocks the body’s natural defenses against new sicknesses that can attack you.

It may seem like this master key is difficult to use. But if you are a child of God, it’s not difficult because God’s nature to forgive is already inside you. But what good is a master key if you never use it?

Right now, make a list of people with whom you are angry or offended. Ask God to forgive you and make a decision to live a life of forgiveness. When you claim the blessings God promised, expect them to begin to flow because you have the master key. Use it! Start unlocking your blessing today!…

Mother’s Day Thoughts

I believe out of all the holidays we celebrate in this nation, there is none more important than Mother’s Day. I miss my own mom terribly and I would love to have another chance to tell her how much she meant to me.

I admit (un-ashamedly) that without having had a mom like mine, I would have never made it to where I am today. And I have been so blessed in my life to be surrounded with women like her.

My wife, the mother of our five children, is not only a great mother but also has been an awesome wife to me for the past fifty-plus years. There are not enough words in the English language to express how truly thankful I am for not just my mom, but also for my wife.

I celebrate all mothers because I know the great price and the personal sacrifices they have made for so many.

But I celebrate all mothers because I know the great price and the personal sacrifices they have made for so many. Motherhood is one of the most thankless jobs in the world. Yet none of us could have life without having a mom.

I want to encourage you mothers who are struggling as widows or have been abandoned by your husband or even by your own children and let you know I appreciate you.

I also want to encourage you “mothers” who never formally became mothers… but every day you are filling in for those who have not understood their gift of motherhood. Thank you for sharing your “mother’s heart” with others. I honor you.

Know today that God is aware of all your pain and quiet suffering over these many years. But He also wants you to know how well pleased He is with you for being a great vessel of love and compassion to the ones He’s placed in your midst.

I say to everyone else: Don’t be sorry later for something you should be doing now. Don’t let this Mother’s Day (and every day) pass without sharing your gratitude and appreciation for her.

If this blog post has been a blessing to you, please let us know by leaving a comment below. We love to hear from you!

Break Free. Live Well.

These two statements are totally dependent on each other! You can’t live well unless you break free from the bondages that hinder you from a life of success and prosperity.  And… you’ll never break free from those bondages and live your God-given destiny unless you learn to live well on a consistent basis.

Here are some suggestions that have helped me to accomplish both:

1. Know your purpose in life. I believe the greatest tragedy is not dying before your time, but living your life without knowing your life’s purpose.

You can’t know your purpose in life apart from knowing God. He created us for His purpose and discovering that only happens when you discover who God really is and how important He is in your life (Ephesians 2:10).

When I was around 27 years old I invited Jesus Christ into my heart and I discovered why I existed, beginning my journey of breaking free and living well!

Know your purpose in life. I believe the greatest tragedy is not dying before your time, but living your life without knowing your life’s purpose.

It took me 27 years to discover who God really is, to have a personal relationship with Him and then begin my journey of living my life with God’s purpose in mind. Make sure Jesus is in your heart and not just your head.

2. Know you are valuable. What I mean by that is that you are unique and different from everybody else. You don’t have to try to be like them. Remember, you don’t want to be a cheap copy of a great original. You’re not in competition with others… you’re uniquely made with God’s fingerprints all over your life.

Your value isn’t based on what other people think of you. The only opinion that counts is God’s.

Celebrate your differences and God-given uniqueness instead of hiding or denying them. When I accepted that truth it liberated me from the boundaries I and other people had placed on me.

3. You have what it takes to finish the race. God has already placed in you everything you need to succeed and fulfill His purpose in your life. When I discovered that, my success wasn’t something I was waiting for in the future. Instead, I recognized it was already in me and it changed the way I live.

God always starts with the end first and then backs up and starts at the beginning. He already placed in you everything you need to fulfill the purpose He created you for.

I began looking inside myself for success instead of looking on the outside for other people to make me successful. (Ephesians 3:20) How liberating it is to know you’ve got what it takes to finish the race, to fulfill your reason for existence!

4. It’s all up to you. I had to take responsibility for my own choices and decisions instead of blaming God and others for what was going on in my life. I stopped looking to other people to give me what God had already deposited in me…my success was waiting to be released.

Start discovering the treasures God has already placed in you by believing what He says about you. You and I were created for success, not failure. And, if we’re going to break free and live well these 4 steps are essential.

Stop living in bondage, break the cycles of defeat and start living out God’s potential in your life. The best is yet to come!


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Your trials can benefit you, pt. 1

It’s true that life is full of trials, but it’s also true that we often fail to recognize the benefits they provide for us. You’re probably saying, “You’ve got to be kidding!” No, I’m not kidding! Let’s examine just a few hidden benefits they provide for us, because to discover these hidden treasures in trials, we must look deeper than just on the surface.

When you’re traveling ion unknown territories you need a map and compass. Trials can provide a compass. Letting us know if we are on or off course in our journey with God. For example, Jonah was running away from God’s will. He lost his bearings as many of us do at times. Like Jonah, we don’t do what we should and we wander in the wrong direction. God sent a storm to Jonah, and a whale to swallow him and you may wonder where the benefit was in this trial?

Jonah’s trial was not sent to kill him. God’s grace in action through this trial helped him fulfill God’s purpose for his life, saved him from throwing away his God-given destiny and it put him in the right direction. Jonah got back on course and God used him to save a nation from destruction. Could the trial you face today have the same purpose? Are you running from God, knowing His call but wanting to do something else? Is God trying to get your attention to turn back to His purpose for your Life? 

In Chapter 4 & 5 in the Gospel of Mark, when Jesus and his disciples were going by boat to the Gadarenes (which means the prize is at the end), a severe storm threatened their ability to reach their destination and even endangered their lives. This trial revealed two important things. When Jesus leads you, the devil himself will challenged you and do everything he can to change your direction.

Trials can be the enemy’s stumbling blocks to influence you to change your direction. Check it out by asking, “Is Jesus in my boat, or am I going it alone?” If Jesus is in your boat the devils confirming you’re on track by the trial your facing. Be assured, you’re close to fulfilling God’s plan for you in this season and that this trial will not last very long. They made it to their destination and a demonized man, as well as a whole region was freed from Satan’s control. Their trial couldn’t compare to the great victories accomplished by staying on their God-given course.

Setback doesn’t mean you should step back! If you endure the trial Satan sent your way, you’ll see the fruit of your efforts. Don’t give in or give up.…

3 Things You Should Never Do

There are three specific traps you and I should never allow ourselves to fall into—not if we want to live out the purpose for which God created us.

Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish….” By perish the scripture does not mean that we will die or even miss heaven. It means we will miss the purpose for which God created us and, unfortunately, many people do exactly that. So today, I want to give you some pointers on getting a vision and living out your destiny.

Never live in regret.

The prophet Isaiah says, “Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing… (Isaiah 43:18, 19).” You may have missed opportunities in the past or made mistakes you can’t undo. The good news is that God is not through with you. So stop looking back and start living with purpose.

God is always opening doors for us, but we have to walk through them—and looking back kills your forward momentum. He has a destiny for you that He wants to fulfill and He has not changed his mind. He never forgets His promises to you.

According to Proverbs 25:2: “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter.” Finding your purpose in life is a discovery process. God wants to reveal in your heart what you were created for. So stop trying to please people, allowing their approval to dictate your destiny. As you bring yourself in agreement with God, He will bring His plans to pass in your life.

When God created us He concealed our purpose. But when we turn to Him, we begin to discover it. That’s why we need to seek Him.

Never live in retreat.

Are you more critical than you used to be? One big sign that you’re walking away from God is that you stop being thankful and start finding fault. Also, you find it hard to forgive people. Maybe you realize that you’ve lost your hunger for God. Pray for Him to give it back.

Thank Him for the things that are going right instead of complaining about all that’s going wrong. Lose your thankfulness and you lose the peace of God (Eph. 5:20).

Just because you have a promise that has not manifested yet, it doesn’t mean He is not true to His word. Rather, put Him in remembrance of His word. When you do that, you remind yourself. His promise hasn’t changed.

A lot of people will miss their destiny—their purpose in being here. I didn’t say they won’t go to heaven, but they don’t care enough to search out the matter and find out God’s purpose in creating them.

Never live in reserve.

Now that you have sought out the matter, determine to live “all out”. Serve God with abandon. Leave nothing undone. Don’t fear being radical; throw caution to the wind. Don’t be like the unwise steward who received his master’s talent but, out of fear, hid it (Matt. 25:24-28). God holds us responsible for our stewardship.

When you give your all, someone coming after you will benefit. What costs you now in searching out God’s plan for you and living all out, you will transfer to someone else. For instance, when I first became a pastor, I entered into the prayers and labors of others. I inherited this ministry from people who started it some eighty years ago.

God holds us accountable for what He has given us. You need to go farther with the gifts and talents you have. Determine to live fully engaged and you will both fulfill your destiny and advance God’s kingdom!…

When the battle is bigger than you

King Jehoshaphat was blind-sided by the enemy. They were bigger and stronger than him, and they were coming from behind, according to all the news reports of his day. But Jehoshaphat was wise because he let his fear force him to focus on God. He cut off all the voices that were speaking fear. The Bible says “Alarmed, Jehoshaphat resolved to inquire of the Lord, and he proclaimed a fast for all Judah” (2 Chronicles 20:3).

Men, women and children from all over the country came together to seek God’s counsel and this king of Judah bared his heart to the Lord. Then the word of the Lord came to them:

 “Listen, King Jehoshaphat and all who live in Judah and Jerusalem! This is what the Lord says to you: ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s. Tomorrow march down against them.… You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you, Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the Lord will be with you.’” (2 Chronicles 20:15-17)

Turn off the voices

As in Jehoshaphat’s day, today all the news is prophesying gloom and doom; and I think we should respond the same way he did. Cut off all the voices that are speaking fear. This is not a battle you should fight in your own strength. Instead, position yourself, stand firm and see the salvation of the Lord on your behalf. 

There are many rules and even facts that have changed since the Coronavirus pandemic started. But the word of God is unchanging. The only way for us to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord is by positioning ourselves on God’s mighty, unchangeable Word. 

When you find yourself struggling between two opinions, turn off the media and turn on the Bible. Don’t just sit and focus on the facts that you see with your eyes and comprehend with your mind. Use your imagination to see all the health and protection God’s promises say He has for you. Lay down your own plan and strategy, and pick up His. 

Know the nature of the battle

If you don’t understand the nature of the battle, you’ll never understand the strategy. It’s a spiritual battle. We’re fighting against principalities and powers and the darkness of this world. Therefore, our strategy, like the one God gave King Jehoshaphat, must be spiritual.

When you’re filled with anxiety and fear, you’re fighting the wrong battle. Instead, choose to believe in the Lord your God, that He’s on your side. The strategy God gave this ancient king will work for you and me, if we’ll employ it.

Let’s face this pandemic battle praising God and prophesying His truth. Praise the Lord, for His mercy endures forever. In so doing, we loose confusion in the enemy’s camp. 

“ As they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah, and they were defeated” (2 Chron. 20:22). 

What was meant to be Judah’s demise turned into their double portion blessing as they collected the spoils of a battle they didn’t even need to fight (v. 25). There was so much plunder, it took them three days to collect it all. Then they really had a praise party!

Armor up

You are essential to the region in which you live because you release the power of God into it. You were placed in your neighborhood, your family, your job, and other spheres of influence on purpose with a purpose.

Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power (Ephesians 6:10). Put on the full armor of God so that when the evil day comes (like now) you will be positioned to triumph like Jehoshaphat’s army. Don’t fight in your own strength. Instead, position yourself, stand firm and see the salvation of the Lord on your behalf.

As God told Judah, don’t be afraid. Don’t be discouraged. Put on the full armor of God in Ephesians 6:10-18 and stand firm in it. Put on truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, and use the Word of God to cast down anxious thoughts. Then, when you have done all to stand, stand some more ( v. 13). That’s how we—not only stand, but—triumph in a battle too big for us.…

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