hands reaching above

Live above your own means.

Many of us put limits on what God can — and is willing — to do for us. We severely...

bridge in forest

Make your troubles work for you

No matter who you are, troubles will arise from time to time. One day as I was complaining to God...

what's following you

What’s following you?

No one lives this life without affecting others, whether for good or evil. Our influence makes lasting impact for generations....

light the fire

Light the fire again.

Isn’t it amazing how big a $20 bill looks when you take it to church and how small it is...

Good news bad news

Good news: The bad news is wrong!

Yes, you heard me right! The bad news you heard about yourself, about your destiny and simply accepted as fact...


Remove your greatest barrier to success

If you could change one thing to improve your chances of success, would you do it? I believe you would....


Lessons in Rebellion

A few weeks ago, I wrote about my struggle to overcome rejection. I’d like to share the flip side of...


What am I living for?

Wouldn’t it be great if the only thing people didn’t like about today’s church was our radical commitment and our...

friends on beach

The Unspoken Addiction

When we think of addiction we generally think of alcohol, drugs, pornography, etc. But there is an unspoken addiction that...

Racism in the Church, part 2

Until we as the body of Christ are willing to join together and look into the mirror of God’s word, we will never see racism done away with. It needs to be eradicated first within us, as Christians, before we can affect the world in which we live.

Racism in the Church, part 1

Until we as the body of Christ are willing to join together and look into the mirror of God’s word, we will never see racism done away with. It needs to be eradicated first within us, as Christians, before we can affect the world in which we live.

upset man

Quiet the storm within

If we never receive the healing we need, the past can greatly affect our present and future course. Neglecting and...

neck ties

The Perfect Dad

This weekend, the world celebrates fathers. But I want to draw your attention to a Dad we seldom connect with...


Your purpose will outdistance your mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes in life. If we didn’t, we wouldn’t be human. But our mistakes are really not the problem....

When forgiving is hard…

Recently I asked someone why they wouldn’t forgive a particular person.  The offending party had repented and asked for forgiveness,...


Unlock God’s blessings every day

If you’re like me, at times you’ve wondered why you haven’t seen more of God’s blessings manifested in your everyday...

Kick your past out of your present

Years ago, my mother used to say to me, “When you marry a man, you marry his family.” Meaning, with...

Mother’s Day Thoughts

I believe out of all the holidays we celebrate in this nation, there is none more important than Mother’s Day. I...

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