woman runner

Don’t quit too soon!

In Old Testament days, the anointing (the presence of God) rested on the priests, prophets and the kings.  The prophet...

Remove the mask

We all go through painful events in life; and our tendency is to sweep our feelings under the rug and...

ball and chain

How to get out of debt, pt. 2

Last week, I gave three foundational steps to get out of debt and break poverty over your life. Here they...

How to get out of debt, pt. 1

The way the economy is going, life is getting increasingly diffi­cult and the financial forecast doesn’t look very promising ei­ther....

Seven times hotter

Over the years, I’ve told a sad story about a doctor who took his wife and son on an African...

Believe it’s possible

I believe the one problem that hinders us most from enjoying successful lives today is a lack of belief in...

Conquer that Mountain!

Do the problems you face loom larger than life? Are they also greater than the God you serve? Sadly, for...

woman in headphones

Are we there yet?

“Are we there yet?” That’s the question we always asked as kids on a long car ride. As long as...

man on swing

Discover the true you

Our blog on Life Coaching stirred a lot of interest. A number of you were curious about what kind of...

Living Vertical

Too often, our perspective on life is horizontal. What I mean is: We’re people-focused, not God-focused. You and I work...

pier over frozen lake

We have never been this way before.

Joshua 3:3-5, “and they commanded the people, saying, “When you see the ark of the covenant of the LORD your...


Do you know who you are?

Today’s Blog is a little different than usual. We want to take this time to introduce the new Breaking Free...

Know what's in your heart

Know what’s in your heart

According to God, what matters most isn’t our outward appearance, but the condition of our heart. So I ask…what’s in...

You can have the life you demand!

Every one of us, over the course of our lives has been dealt a bad hand. When it happens we...

Woman writing journal

How do you want to be remembered?

Every day, you and I are writing the story of our lives. The chapter you pen right now is being...

Two people talking

How to be a person of influence

“People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” I believe that this saying is...

This changes everything!

A captain navigates a huge ship with a tiny rudder. A rider masters a powerful horse with a small bit in...

senior citizen

Don’t let your past control your future

Whenever we bring up past hurts, continually rehearse our failures and agonize over things we should have done but didn’t,...

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