Power comes in pairs!
Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if they lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one stay warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. —Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
Making marriage out of mess
Have you ever thought about the idea that God has a plan and purpose to use you and your spouse together? …the idea that God designed a purpose specifically for your marriage? If you have your doubts, just look back to the very first couple in the garden.
God created man and woman in His image to represent Him on the earth. They were the crowning jewel of His creation. His purpose for them together was to fill the earth and subdue it. God has not altered His plan since then. God’s purpose for the first couple lives on in you and your spouse.
When I first heard a teaching on this many years ago, I quickly dismissed it. Maybe this applied to my pastor and his wife… or the elders and their wives… but for Gaspar and me? No way. How could God possibly have a purpose for our marriage? There were times when we thought our marriage wouldn’t even make it. With all the trials we’d been through—selfishly separating, each fighting to get our own way—we brought new meaning to the phrase “God will bring ministry out of your mess.” He sure did.
So think again. God does have a plan and purpose for every marriage, including yours. I remember saying, “Ok, Lord, here we are; we’re available. Lead the way.” And lo and behold, to our amazement, He did!
An unstoppable force
God created you and your spouse for a work that only the two of you can accomplish together. He foreknew all your differences and carefully put them together so you would compliment each other. Then He blended together all those qualities for His planned purpose. Why? Because together you can accomplish more and greater things than either of you could on your own. Together you’re a powerful force. And, with God, you’re unstoppable.
Together you’re a powerful force and, with God, you’re unstoppable.
Probably your next questions are: “Where do we start? How do we know the purpose God has for us?” To start, the best way any Christian couple can serve God is to glorify Him in their marriage.
Married couples possess the power to create what many people hunger for: Family and Belonging. We live in such a fractured world. Many people live and work hundreds of miles from their nearest relatives. Families crack and break apart. People are lonely and isolated and, inside, are longing for a place to belong. They long for family.
A healthy relationship builds hope
Psalm 68:6 says, “God sets the lonely in families.” Often, as married couples, we can become “family” for those without one.
Many people today don’t even know what a healthy marriage looks like. They’ve seen so many fractured relationships and divorces, they’ve lost hope that any marriage can last. Married Christians have an incredible opportunity to model what Christ designed marriage to be. That may not sound like a “ministry,” since you aren’t actually “doing” something other than being yourselves. But in our society, simply staying together and working at your marriage sends a powerful message.
And you don’t have to be perfect to do that. When people see that you and your spouse love and respect each other they take notice. You can provide hope for those who have lost hope for a healthy relationship.
Regardless of the ministry God leads you and your spouse to fulfill, together you can draw strength from each other. As a couple, you have instant access to another person’s skills. If you remember, Jesus always sent His disciples out in teams of two. When two people work together, they protect each other, encourage and support one another, share the workload, offset each other’s weaknesses and draw on each other’s strengths.
When two people work together, they protect each other, encourage and support one another, share the workload, offset each other’s weaknesses and draw on each other’s strengths.
Blended callings
Today, Jesus sends out couples just like He sent out His disciples—in pairs. Why? Because there’s power in pairs.
Christians often think of serving God individually. But think how much your ministry and marriage can be strengthened if you could blend both your callings! God has called you to serve Him and He has called you to be married. Those two callings—not only can go together, they—should go together. When they do, you’ll have a stronger Christian walk and a stronger Christian marriage.
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