Drama in the airport
The rude couple
A couple of weeks ago we were in the airport waiting for a flight. I can’t help it, but I’m an incurable people-watcher. Sitting directly across from us was a couple, mid to late thirties.
The husband went to get something to eat and a coffee for his wife. As she placed the coffee on the floor near her bag, he started ravenously eating his food—seriously, like a man who hadn’t eaten in a week. Food was falling everywhere and splattered her pants. As she tried to clean the food off of her, he just kept munching away.
I couldn’t help myself and my mother instinct said, “You better say sorry, or the rest of your day isn’t going to go well.” He ignored me and, shifting his weight in his seat, kicked her coffee all over her feet. She jumped up and headed to either the ladies room or to call her attorney. Can you believe he just looked at the mess and continued eating!
I was so upset I started writing about it in my journal. I didn’t really think it would end up in this blog, but God knew.

Another passenger, also watching, went for some paper towel… Finally the husband got the hint, stopped eating and attended to what was left of the mess. Wow! Where has care, kindness and even simple manners gone in today’s marriages?
If this were an isolated incident I probably wouldn’t be writing this. But being a people-watcher and traveling a lot, I see such bad behavior and downright rudeness in couples. I was so upset I started writing about what happened in my journal. I didn’t really think it would end up in this blog, but God knew and He already had the ending planned out.
The desperate couple
Several days later, there we were in the airport again. The last thing you want to hear after two flights and a long trip is that your bags are on another plane, and there will be a slight delay. So back to people-watching… You’d think I would have learned my lesson by now.
I didn’t hear this couple say a word, but I knew they were Christians. We started talking about the delay, making small talk. They were returning from a trip to see a new grandbaby. Asked if we had been on vacation, Gaspar shared about the church and that we were away writing new material for our Sacred Marriage group. That’s when they shared their story.
Then, struck by a series of painful events and with nowhere else to turn, they turned to the Lord.
Up until a few years ago their marriage had been in deep trouble. They were going in separate directions, totally shut down to each other. Then, struck by a series of painful events with nowhere else to turn, they turned to the Lord. They leaned on Him, sought His will and, most of all, reconnected to Him as a couple. And in the process, Jesus transformed their troubled marriage into an awesome one.
What a different story from the other couple! I suddenly felt very sad that we hadn’t had the chance to tell them about the Lord. But since then, we’ve prayed for God to put believers in their path.
Every couple’s greatest need
The only way to have a healthy, thriving marriage is with Jesus. He is what every marriage needs at its center. If you let Him, God will give you the relationship you’ve always longed for. He will make a good marriage great; get a struggling marriage back on track; and bring a dead marriage back to life. He does what no one and nothing else can.
Marriages are hurting today more than ever. My husband and I feel the Lord leading us to take a slight detour with this blog and focus on marriage for awhile. We would love to hear your thoughts. Are marriages today changing? If so, why? Do you see changes in your own marriage?
We love hearing from you! If this blog has been a blessing to you, please comment below.
Loved this….and you. Blessed to have a great husband and wonderful years together. Truly is because of the Lord being right in the center of our marriage. ♥️?♥️???
Wow.Such behavior could make one want to avoid airports.Nevertheless,to your first point,Agreed.There is never an excuse for being rude.To your second point.The isosceles triangle lesson teaches that the closer two people on the diagonal sides get to the top point(Jesus),the closer they get to each other.So,yes.great blog?
Great blog! While reading the first half, I was just as shocked as you were. In this world where we’re told to look out for ourselves and be independent, it seems like people are forgetting to be considerate for others. Especially in marriages. Woman got this idea that they can do anything a man can do, and that they don’t need a man to raise children or provide. Alot of women believe a mans masculinity is toxic. That there’s something wrong with the differences between men and women. Deception. At the same time, the men’s role as the head of the house, the provider, protector and a natural born leadership is being stripped away. The sense of worth is being diminished. Let’s make manly men great again!
The second half of the blog is very relatable and also encouraging. While yes, marriage is changing in today’s society, and many couples, especially in rough times, look for a way out. Sometimes it’s just when the honeymoon stage is over, they second guess the vows and commitments they’ve made. Speaking from experience, and to my own shame,some may say their vows with the thought, way in the back of their minds,’well if it dont workout there’s always divorce’.
Divorce has become so common in these days, and it seems like not a big deal. But also in my experience, and to the Glory of God, turning to God and making Him the center of our marriage and realizing His design and intention for marriage, it truly changes everything. The sacred marriage course has blessed my marriage so much.
We communicate more with empathy and compassion for one another. We don’t always see eye to eye on some things, but we understand that that doesn’t separate us, it joins our two perspectives together like puzzle pieces.
We don’t need to change eachother into thinking like eachother, we simply (sometimes not so simply) consider one another’s differences and learn from them. I’m so much more Thankful for how God has blessed me and my marriage then I ever considered possible. I am also grateful for the love that Pastor Gaspar and Michelle, display in what they do for married couples and the kingdom work that they’ve dedicated theirs lives to for so many years. Strengthening marriages, households, and communities, that branch out and produces fruit.
All Glory to God!