Rejecting rejection: My story
Rejection is one of the most painful wounds you could ever receive. Not only does it damage your self-image and confidence, but rejection wounds your soul and spirit like nothing else can. Because God is Love, rejection is one of Satan’s weapons of choice. He works very hard using whatever and whomever he can to make us feel unloved and worthless.
Born unwanted
In my own life, seeds of rejection budded in me while still in my mother’s womb. As my tiny fingers and toes formed, so did the knowledge that I was unwanted. That might seem strange, but our spirit is fully formed at conception and can pick up on our mother’s feelings. Even medical science has proven that infants in utero are aware of and react to external stimuli.
In the 1940’s, many women who conceived out of wedlock used homemade remedies to try to abort unwanted pregnancy. Thankfully for me, none of those remedies did away with my physical existence. To add to my mother’s fear, doctors had warned her that giving birth could kill her because of a severe heart condition she had since childhood. I heard this sad story constantly growing up—reinforcing the fact that I was a mistake.
In my childhood and teen years, I endured physical and emotional abuse at the hands of my mother. She too grew up in an abusive home. All this turned me into one rejected mess! It was etched onto my soul that I was unwanted, had no value, and shouldn’t even exist.
Rebellion takes hold
As it often does, rejection turned into rebellion. A hardness began to grow inside me. I remember lying in bed as a child and vowing that I would never let anyone hurt me again. Subconsciously I said, “No more” and put on a defensive front for self-protection.
When I came to Christ in my twenties, I brought all that ugly baggage. Instead of surrendering it to the Lord, I thought it was up to me to fix myself (as if I ever could).
I loved God. I knew if I died I’d go to heaven, but I couldn’t get victory over the anger, rage, and rejection that controlled me. Yes, I let Christ touch and heal some areas. But in areas where I was most wounded, I remained unchanged. Healing takes time and commitment. It’s a process. After all these years, God is still working in me, still healing me.
When I came to Christ, I brought all that ugly baggage with me. Instead of surrendering it to the Lord, I thought it was up to me to fix myself (as if I ever could).
God is still working
I shared all that because most people don’t like to admit that they deal with rejection. They’ve spent much of their lives trying to cover it up with all kinds of defense mechanisms. You might be thinking, I’m ok. This isn’t for me. Trust me, God isn’t finished with you either. We all need more healing.
If you carry hurt or offense; if you get defensive at times; if anger sometimes rises up from nowhere; if you blame-shift or gossip even once in a while—guess what? You need more healing. Emotional healing is key to our spiritual growth. It’s key to breaking free and living well. You can’t mature spiritually while wounded emotionally.
You can’t mature spiritually if you are wounded emotionally.
His plan is perfect
The way I grew up—and maybe you too—was the exact opposite of what God planned for us. In God’s perfect world, all children would be raised and nurtured by godly parents. Our earthly father would be a reflection of God Himself: loving, caring, protecting. In this ideal world, our parents would lead us into a personal relationship with Christ, teach us the Word, take us to church and live godly lives before us. That was God’s perfect plan.
Sadly, sin entered that beautiful picture and perverted everything. Parents are more likely to pass on to their children the same brokenness and dysfunction in which they were raised. You can’t give what you don’t receive. Satan is a very real enemy, and he wants to destroy you any way he can. The younger the victim, the better he likes it.
When we don’t receive unconditional love and nurturing but get the exact opposite—abuse, criticism, anger, sarcasm, rejection—these things sink their roots deep into our souls. When you hear daily: “You always mess up… You can’t do anything right… You’re stupid… clumsy… ugly…(you fill in the blank)”—hear it enough and you begin to believe it. Inferiority, self-hatred, fear, and depression set in.
Rejection causes you to live life by your feelings. Your emotions control you. You make wrong choices to accommodate your fears and insecurities, and life keeps getting worse.
Your Father yearns to fill up all of your empty, broken places. He longs to make you whole.
It’s time you win
Know this: God has healing for you! Not only does He want to heal you, the Lord wants to be that perfect, loving Daddy to you. He desires to love you with a pure, healthy love. He yearns to fill up all of the empty, broken places inside of you. The Father longs to make you whole.
You may still carry pain from things you experienced many years ago. Satan was the one in control of those bad situations or people who hurt you. I think it’s time to take back what’s been stolen! Don’t you? It’s time you and I win! That’s what we’ll talk about next week: Solutions and strategies in the healing process.
We would love to hear from you! If this blog has been a blessing to you, please comment below.
What a touching story and warning of the tricks the devil likes to play and how absolute the love of our ABBA is. Thank you Pastor Michelle.
Thank you, Clyde. We serve an awesome God, don’t we? It sure is scary to think what our lives would be like without Jesus.
✨My Ex is back after sad breakup,………..
Matilda, USA
I had no idea that you went through all of that rejection. You are a very loving and kind person. God took what was broken and turned you into His blessing. Thank you for sharing I feel like I know you more.
Aww, thank you Shirley. Yes, God is so faithful to take all the broken pieces and make us brand new. That’s why we’re so committed to Breaking Free Living Well. We know the difference inner healing prayer has made in both our lives.
I respectfully live and appreciate your transparency. Thank you for sharing. I know Abba still has much to finish in my life. Thank goodness He says that He would finish that which He started…Love you soooo much my beautiful friend and sister…xo
Pastor Michelle you are such a wonderful woman of God and a great example to me. In my times of feeling rejection and feeling alone I was tending to get bitter. God does not want us bitter but He wants to make us better. God has healing for us. Thinking of how Jesus was able to push thru his emotions on the cross and the feeling of being alone is hard for me to even think about yet alone to go through something like crucifixion. With God we are never alone. God never left His son and it must of been difficult for the Father also. For me to get out of the rejection is as easy as refocusing on Him. I pray to Him, read of Him, sing songs of Him and the bitterness and rejection melts away. I learned that from your ministry. Thank you for being so open and honest with your story. It is a good reminder that I am more than conqueror in every situation. Love you dearly.
Thank you for your sweet comments, Rose. You’re a blessing to our lives as well. So glad we serve Him together. Our God is an awesome God. He knows exactly what we need. In my, darkest hour when I cried out to Him, I opened the Bible someone had given me, and this is what my eyes fell on, “Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5) He spoke directly to my heart….I knew He was real….and I never looked back.
Thank you, Chrissy. Yes, He’ll probably be working on us till Jesus returns. But isn’t it precious that He loves us just the way we are. I’m sure when He looks at you what He sees is your zeal for Him and His Word, you’re an encouragement to me, my Sister. Happy New Year to you and Ken, love to you both.
Big hug and our sincere love…xo
THANKS👏👏👏______R OBI SON BUC LER (G MA I l. C OM),,,,
My Ex is back after sad breakup,………..
Matilda, USA