
Let go of destiny killers

Who are you connected to emotionally, spiritually and physically? Some of these people may be in your life by choice and others—maybe not. Ecclesiastes 4:9 tells us, “Two are better than one” because we benefit greatly from each other’s gifts and talents. However, not everyone will help you reach your God-given destiny. Some may actually kill your destiny!

Celebrate, but don’t idolize people

But I want to point out two things that are important to remember regarding our associations: 1). God divinely appoints people to help you, but 2). Wrong associations will kill your destiny.

1. God divinely appoints people in certain seasons of life to help you fulfill your destiny. Don’t be surprised if some of those in your life today don’t remain to finish the journey with you. They are intended to be with you for just that season. Knowing this will save you much grief. Trying to hold on to or reconnect with people God is removing from you wastes time and energy.

Be at peace. God knows what He is doing. He will divinely connect you with new relationships that will help you fulfill His destiny for you in the next season. So celebrate the people with you now, but don’t make idols out of them. God is your source, not man.

Let go of those divine assignments when the time comes. Don’t grieve over them. On the other hand, make room for, embrace and celebrate those who are newly assigned to you. Celebrate them as the Godly gift they are.

God prunes the fruitful

John 15:1-2 says, “I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit.” God prunes us, even when we’re already fruitful, so we can bring forth more fruit.

Holding on to old relationships will close the door to the new. If they can live without you, then you can live without them. (However, let me make it clear right now: I am not referring to marriage relationships!)

2. Wrong associations are destiny killers. Holding on to people God is trying to remove from your life opens the door for Satan to deceive and misdirect you. You and I exert tremendous influence over each other. That’s why you need to make sure you are under godly influences. Know that God is doing His best to help you remove ungodly ones. But it’s your choice to decide whom to let in.

Let go and let God

Many years ago, I kept running after someone whom God was removing. I believed I needed this person. I would always pursue them and talk them into coming back because my understanding of divinely-appointed relationships was zero at that time! I didn’t realize I had placed my trust in man, not God. Many things couldn’t happen in my life until I finally let go of that relationship.

Wrong associations can truly be destiny killers. So in conclusion I say: Fear God—not man. Let go and let God!

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4 Responses to “Let go of destiny killers

  • Janet ravnell
    4 years ago


    4 years ago

    Great message and speaks directly t my heart. I needed to hear it as I have been trying to hold on to some of my former coworkers and I need o let go I see now. As always many thanks for your message. Blessings

  • Sherre King
    4 years ago

    Thank you ?

  • Monica Johnson
    6 months ago

    This is beautiful. Thank you!

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