Become known by God.
There is only one thing more important in life than knowing God, and that is God knowing you.
Matthew 7:21-23 records Jesus’ response to one of His self-proclaimed servants who said he had healed the sick, prophesied and cast out devils in His name. However, this person obviously never opened himself up to be known by God; because Jesus said, “I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!“
How scary is that! Yet, how many of us still have walls and barriers up in our lives that keep God from knowing us?
We put on our religious garb and act as though God and us are one, but in reality we never become transparent before Him. We never fully let the Lord into our inner world (our thoughts, feelings, disappointments, our fears, etc.). We have asked Him to be Savior, but we still haven’t given Him the freedom to be Lord in our lives. The problem is that we can’t have one without the other.
Take a moment out of your busy schedule and invite the Lord into your inner world today. Intentionally invite Him to invade your heart and all the secret places of your inner world. Then you will begin to experience true freedom. No longer keep God at arm’s distance. You can trust Him! He will never disappoint you. His love in you will change your whole outlook on life.
Make the choice to let Jesus know you. You will never regret it; but you will regret it if He doesn’t.
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I Corinthians 8:3 ?
Thank you ??