
You must go back to go forward.

Our past influences us in one way or another: How we were raised, our parents’ weaknesses and strengths, the culture we were raised in, our past memories, the belief systems we were taught, etc. Of course some of those influences were positive. On the other hand, others were destructive. They may have already sabotaged relationships, finances, lifestyles and especially our walk with God!

Understanding this fundamental truth equips us to begin breaking out of the boundaries set by past influences. These hindrances keep us from experiencing the kind of success for which God created us.

Sins of our fathers

The Bible has a lot to say about these things. It teaches us in Exodus 34:7 that the iniquities of our fathers are carried down from generation to generation, even up to the fourth generation. Have you ever said, “I never want to be like my father or mother” because of their destructive habit patterns? But then you wound up doing or saying the same things? Do you realize you probably think, cook, keep house, work, act, believe and relate to others the same way your parents did?

Two things from my childhood stand out to show me the need to go back… in order for me to go forward.

My backstory

  1. Because my father, his father and his 3 brothers operated a 24-hour, 7 days a week family business, our family life was completely enmeshed with our work life. Everything in our lives was intertwined with operating the business. Holidays, birthdays and everyday life incorporated work. There was no separation. I learned early in life that family and work were one and the same.

    As a result, I became a workaholic. That didn’t change even after I was born again. I sought to keep every family member involved in the work of the ministry. It just seemed natural to tie together family and work. I embraced this way of life as a child—along with many other faulty beliefs. It pulsated in my DNA, affecting me even after I accepted Jesus as Lord.
  1. My mother was a great woman, but an absolute perfectionist. Therefore, mom unknowingly instilled in me a performance mentality. She showed me great love when I performed in ways that pleased her. But she withheld love when I didn’t live up to her expectations. (My mother thought she was helping me by controlling me in this way.)

    Because of this, I became not only a workaholic, but one who worked hard for approval and acceptance. I was one driven, performance-oriented person! You can imagine the trouble that caused in every area of my life—including my family and my marriage.

Stuck in the past

When I gave my life to Jesus, I still lived under the same influences and suffered the same problems as I had before I became a Believer. Unfortunately, I was taught early in my Christian walk that if I wanted to move forward I should never look back. I was stuck!

You probably have a similar story. We need to break that religious tradition by having the courage to look back and honestly examine our family and cultural upbringing. Our emotional healing and future success as children of God depend on it.

Free yourself to go forward

We have to go back before we go forward and here’s how:

  1. Get out of denial and break the religious myth that after we’re saved, we don’t have to deal with our past. 2 Corinthians 5:17 is talking about our spirit, not our soul.
  2. Don’t deny your feelings. Listen to them because they reveal where and who you are on the inside.
  3. Break ties to your family culture. Remember, you’re in God’s family now. So adopt His culture. Jesus said if you don’t love Him more than your mother and father, you aren’t one of His.
  4. As the Holy Spirit reveals past things, crucify them by repenting and denying them access to your life again.
  5. Finally, embrace your new family’s culture and beliefs. YOU CAN’T GO FORWARD UNTIL YOU FIRST GO BACK!

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  • How to heal what's broken | GasparandMichele.com :

    […] but still are—affecting their marriage. Often, we must go back before we can go forward (Gaspar wrote a great blog about this). Looking to the past to understand the present gives us a new perspective and, hopefully, more […]

    1 year ago

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