
Posts by Administrator

What To Do With Disappointment, Pt. 2

As I mentioned last week, disappointment can easily become a way of life wherein we expect and even accept it happening regularly. But this mindset sabotages us and can eventually lead to depression, sadness and hopelessness. Let’s add to the three truths we learned last week:

4. Disappointment is one of Satan’s weapons, but it can be resisted if we are willing to recognize it and then engage in this high level of spiritual warfare. James 4:7 says we must submit ourselves to God AND resist the devil (come out against him).

We need to be aggressively on the offense, not on the defense. Resist comes from the Greek word antihistamine, which is what our bodies use to fight allergies. But how do we offensively fight disappointment? Glad you asked, because God gave us a weapon to defeat disappointment every time.

Satan uses disappointment to rob the dream, prophetic word or promise God gave you. That word fills you with the faith to expect God’s destiny to be fulfilled. It gets you up in the morning and encourages you to keep on keepin’ on, even when all hell is breaking loose.

That word is a spiritual weapon and when you speak it against the mountain of disappointment, it will crumble. Jesus taught this truth to His disciples in Matthew 17:20 and Mark 11:22&23.

When you speak the word that the Holy Spirit has engrafted in your heart, you’re releasing God’s presence and power. Prophesy your destiny (calling the end from the beginning) by speaking that engrafted word, and don’t let the devil talk you out of it. God is sovereign, but your destiny won’t come to pass until you release what God planted in your heart.

5. Step into your God-given destiny. After releasing the prophetic word God gave you, you must guard against the temptation to not go forward and pursue your dream. Although he was 100 and Sarah was 90, to fulfill God’s promise of being the father of many nations, Abraham still had to be intimate with Sarah.

If God gave a word to you about your career, marriage, ministry, your family or even a vacation; don’t just speak it— pursue it with all your heart! Don’t let any obstacle stand in your way. Years ago, I remember planning a long-overdue vacation. We packed the car with enough clothes for a week, but there was one problem: We had no money! I’d been prophesying to the mountain of disappointment and finally made up my mind to pursue it. That would seem ridiculous to most people, but God said He would provide for the dream He placed in me.

As we drove off, the car behind me kept beeping the horn until I recognized the driver as one of my congregants. I pulled over to see what was wrong and this dear woman said, “Pastor, God told me to give you this money. I don’t know what it’s for, but He told me you needed it.” Well, as you can imagine, it more than covered my family vacation!

Speak your destiny into existence…then step into your miracle! The Holy Spirit planted God’s word for your destiny in your heart. Receive that engrafted word as your top priority. Remember you and God make a majority. Disappointment never has to be a way of life ever again!

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The victory is already yours.

Two things are very important for us to remember when we find ourselves in a conflict.

1.We are not fighting against flesh and blood. As simple as that may seem to remember, it is one of the most difficult to keep in mind when conflict actually arises and our “enemy” is before us. We so easily get caught up in the personal emotions of the moment that we lose the ability to live out of our spirit mind. Instead, we often choose a soulish response. In other words, we are led by our anger, jealousy, fear, rejection, etc., instead of the Holy Spirit. When we let Him lead, the Holy Spirit helps us to stay focused on the real enemy, rather than the person/people in front of us.

We must choose every time to see the conflict through God’s eyes instead of through the lens of our own feelings and emotions. This choice will determine whether or not we win the battle we face. The second important truth is this:

2. We are not fighting to get victory in our lives. Rather, in any given situation, we fight the battle having been given the victory already by Jesus—through His death, burial and resurrection. You and I are just securing these victories that are already ours by resisting and putting the devil where he belongs: under our feet. Isn’t it great to know that you already have the victory over sickness, brokenness, marital problems, fear, depression… (not trying to get it)!…

Follow the yellow brick road.

There is no quick fix for being lost. To get from where you are to where you want to be requires two necessities: time and change of direction.

I know too many people who believe that, if only their problems were fixed, their life would be perfect. They really don’t understand that their problems aren’t the major issue. The real issue is that they’re traveling on a wrong path.

Proverbs 14:12 says, “There is a way that seems right unto a man but its end is death”. Consider this: Rules and laws can be broken, but principles either make or break you. Anyone who follows a principle—not just rules and laws—ends up with the same results, in spite of the speed bumps along the way. Ten out of 10 times, following the principle leads to the same conclusion.

In The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy was told to “follow the yellow brick road” to find her way home. Following that road, no matter how many twists and turns it made, assured her of reaching her desired destination. Although she encountered problems along the way, she made it home.

Do you know where you want to go? Have you found your “yellow brick road”? No matter how excited we are about our future, if we don’t know those two things, we’ll never reach our God-given destiny.

Things won’t just work themselves out unless we’re are on the right path. Looking in the rear view mirror today, we see the road we’ve been traveling on. If we continue on it, the outcome will always be the same as in the past.  (A lunatic is a person doing the same things over and over but expecting different results!) The path we travel determines where we end up in our marriage, business, health, walk with God, etc. Here are a few important truths to help us stay on the road to a successful life.

1) Decide where you want to go. To paraphrase Proverbs 29:18, a person without a vision has no direction and they live their life going in circles! Spending time in God’s presence will reveal what you were created for, so you won’t waste time, the greatest resource He gave us, wandering aimlessly through life.

2) Choose the road that leads to your final destination. If history tells you that the road you’re on leads to a dead end, be willing to get off. No matter who travels that road, they will end up at the same place, so choose your path wisely. The right principles are easy to identify because they work for everybody. Observe people around you who are successful in their marriages, businesses, health, etc. and take that same road, because it will lead to good things.

3) Be patient. Focus on your course of travel, not the problems along the way. Remember that there are speed bumps on the journey to success. But as long as you’re on the right road, problems and delays won’t stop you from crossing the finish line and reaching your God-given destination.

4) Ask yourself, “Am I on the road to success? Is this the path that leads to victory?” If not, take the time to change directions and follow your yellow brick road to the destination God has planned for you. Remember: Not all roads lead to success!

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Good idea or God idea?

Everything we do begins with a decision, and every day we make a multitude of them. Each decision brings with it good or bad consequences—consequences that will be compounded daily. If you don’t like where you are right now, it’s time to stop blaming others and recognize the part that your own choices have played.

Your destiny will be determined by choices you make today and, although you can’t go back and change your yesterdays, they influence your todays and tomorrows.  The God of all creation has planned a great life with a great ending for us, but our decisions can hinder those plans.

In Deuteronomy 30:19-20, God reveals the incredible power and privilege of choice we have been given and He encourages us to make the right choices. But He also warns us of the serious consequences of making wrong choices.

The responsibility of having God’s awesome plans fulfilled in your life is squarely on your shoulders and no one else’s. Here are some obstacles you should avoid.

1. People’s opinions probably influence our choices more than anything else. We make decisions (consciously or subconsciously) to obtain their acceptance. Know that you are extremely valuable and special in God’s sight. Stop trying to be a cheap copy of a great original! When God made you, He threw away the mold. Low self-esteem will directly influence the choices you make. Spend time with God and let Him reveal your true identity—the one He gave you.

2. Faulty motives like attention-getting, self-gain, ego and pride also influence our decisions. Ask God to search your heart and reveal the reasons behind your decisions. Galatians 6:8 says, “For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.” We should use our God-given freedom to make decisions that will advance His kingdom—not our own.

Ask yourself the following questions:

• Will the decision I’m about to make promote God and His agenda or me and my agenda?

• Will God receive all the glory from the decision I’m about to make?

• Will this decision focus the attention on God or me?

3. Money issues affect a lot of our decisions. We can easily be blinded by the power money holds over us. Mark 6:24 says “You cannot serve God and mammon.” Money can be a huge factor in deciding who we hang out with (or not); who we will and won’t serve; who we will or won’t go the extra mile for. We become a “respecter of persons” based on how people can benefit us.

4. Ethnic, family and religious traditions, prejudice and faulty beliefs also influence us more than we realize. Our choices are so critical to our destiny! It’s a good idea to take time before jumping into anything. Think it through and invite God into the process. Ask Him to reveal to you whether it’s a God decision or just a good one!

Your life’s destiny depends on making right choices. So today, right now, make a quality decision to start making great decisions.

We love to hear from you! If this blog has been a blessing to you, please take a moment to comment below.

Pick your battles wisely.

Every day you engage in warfare. Your battleground may be on your job where someone gossips about you, and you are determined to straighten them out! It may be at home where you contend with your mate about family, finances or your relationship. The question we need to ask ourselves is: Is this battle worth fighting?

Too often we get consumed with battles that have no spoils and actually leave us in a lose/lose situation! We’re worse off after such battles than before we started.

A great warrior—before he invests his time, energy and his life—will choose battles whose victory promises great spoil. As warriors in God’s army, you and I need the wisdom to not fight unnecessarily. Satan loves to pull us into no-win situations so we miss the important battles we should be fighting, the ones that bring great victories. We’re called to engage in battles that advance the kingdom of God, promote us in His kingdom and that will spiritually mature us.

Retaliating against someone who cuts you off on the road or trying to prove how important you are by making someone who dishonored you look bad… these are not battles worth fighting. There are no rewards because they don’t advance God’s kingdom. In fact, they damage our spiritual growth and misrepresent the God we serve. As sons and daughters of God, we are His ambassadors here on earth.

Long before David becomes king and before fighting the battle God designed for him in which he defeats Goliath (1 Samuel 17:17-30), he brings food to his brothers on the battle field. It is here that he hears the giant Goliath ridicule Israel’s army. When David asks what the prize would be for defeating Goliath, he is told that he would have favor with the king, could marry one of the king’s daughters and live tax-free for life. That’s quite a spoil isn’t it?

While David is talking to the soldiers, his oldest brother Eliab starts to ridicule him in front of the men: “Why have you come down here? And with whom did you leave those few sheep in the wilderness?”

I believe the one thing that made David a true champion was his ability to engage in the battles that were the Lord’s and ignore the rest. He had the wisdom to walk away from Eliab (a battle with no spoils) and, instead, spent his energy on the battle the Lord had anointed him to fight!

David understood his value was in God, not in people’s opinions of him. Because he turned away from the wrong battle that day, he was available to fight the Lord’s battle and be promoted from zero to hero… from a shepherd over his father’s sheep to king of Israel, watching over God’s people.

Before you engage in warfare, ask: “Is this the Lord’s battle? Will it advance His purposes and plans in and through my life? Will it cause me to grow spiritually and be a better representation of Jesus?

I encourage you today to pick your battles wisely. Be strong enough to walk away from the many to fight the few that fulfill your destiny, the ones the Lord calls you into—not the devil. When a battle is the Lord’s, the spoils will be great!

We love hearing from you! If this blog post has been a blessing to you, please let us know by leaving a comment below!

Why trusting God isn’t enough

Often, when people are asked about their plans for the future they answer, “I’m just trusting God.” Although as a Christian, that sounds right, it isn’t biblically correct.

Proverbs 29:18 says that people without a vision (a strategy or plan) will never reach their God-given destiny, no matter how much they trust God to do it for them. You see, to bring us to the fullness of our destiny, God downloads His plans and strategies and expects us to follow them.

Planning for our future is important and is God’s way to assure His success in our life. At the same time, counting on God to direct us is essential.  It’s actually a joint effort, a co-laboring between God and us!

Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me.” In other words, God expects our cooperation to accomplish His will. We do it…but it’s through His strength!

Are you cooperating with God to accomplish His purposes and plans in and through you? Proverbs 13:16 tells us a wise man thinks (plans) ahead; but a fool doesn’t, and even brags about it! The fool says, “I don’t need to plan; I’ll just trust God.” Yes, we trust in God, but we seek His plan and rely on Him to order our steps daily. Ask yourself:

1. Am I following God’s plans and strategies (vision) for my life or my own desires? Don’t make your desires God’s. Instead, surrender to Him. Pray, “Lord, I want Your will, not mine.”

2. Make sure that every day you’re on His road to success and haven’t taken a detour. The Holy Spirit helps you stay on course by bringing deep conviction when you start to wander. Develop a listening heart to hear His still small voice. Ask if the choices you’re about to make align with His plans or if you need a course adjustment.

3. Watch out for pride. Pride happens when you take His designed plan and purpose into your own hands, making it yours. When we think that God will automatically put His stamp of approval on everything we do, we’re putting a stumbling block between us and success.

4. Write down the vision God downloads into your spirit. We easily forget His plans when too many distractions confuse the vision God gave us. I suggest you write down the vision, as Habakkuk 2:2-4 instructs. And review it often.

5. Finally… the strategy and plan that God gives you needs a constant upgrade. Why? Because He gives us what we need, but it’s usually one step at a time and the first few steps might be different than the second few steps. Depend on God (not yourself) to get from point A to point Z.

Change is the Christian’s way of life. God is always re-aligning us to His purposes, keeping us on the potter’s wheel so He can mold us into vessels of honor!

So don’t just say I’m trusting God for my future. Know His strategies and plans. Co-labor with God and live with the confidence that what He started in you He will be faithful to finish!



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